Top Ten Tuesday: Book Quotes: Witty and Funny Things Characters Have Said!

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Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday!  For upcoming topics, and more information on Top Ten Tuesday, visit Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

May 24: Book Quote Freebie (Share your favorite book quotes that fit a theme of your choosing! These could be quotes about books/reading, or quotes from books. Some examples are: quotes for book lovers, quotes that prove reading is the best thing ever, funny things characters have said, romantic declarations, pretty scenery descriptions, witty snippets of dialogue, etc.)


As you can see you can pick anything for Book Quote’s. I went with Witty and Funny Things Characters Have Said; because I just love some of these things characters have said and each time I read them again I laugh or smile.


One of my favarotie series is Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews.  Their are a lot of fun and witty quotes.  One I really love is featured in Magic Bites its the first time Kate meets the Beast Lord.

Diplomacy was never my strong suit and my patience had run dry. I crouched and called out, “Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.”
Two golden eyes ignited at the opposite wall. A shape stirred within the darkness and rose, carrying the eyes up and up and up until they towered above me. A single enormous paw moved into the moonlight, disturbing the dust on the filthy floor. Wicked claws shot forth and withdrew. A massive shoulder followed, its gray fur marked by faint smoky stripes.
Magic Bites - 19%
“What kind of a woman greets the Beast Lord with ‘here, kitty, kitty’?”Magic Bites - 19%

Another favorite series I love to re-visit is Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews. This quote from the first book Clean Sweep makes me smile.

“I’ve never understood why some guys strip when drunk.” Sean grinned.
“It’s not funny. I’ve got a naked drunk vampire running around in m orchard.”
Arland zigzagged back and forth among the trees.
Sean pressed his lips together, his expression strained.
“It’s not funny!”
Sean leaned against the door and laughed.
Clean Sweep


I’d love to hear from you!
Share some book quotes!!



I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

6 comments on “Top Ten Tuesday: Book Quotes: Witty and Funny Things Characters Have Said!

  1. I love the Kate Daniels series, I haven’t gotten to read the Innkeeper Chronicles yet, gonna have to do that! I like the quotes and I agree, Kate Daniels has a lot of great quotes! Thanks for sharing them with me!

    • Your welcome! I love both series and the Andrews team are on my Top 3 favorite authors to read. Hope you enjoy the Innkeeper Chronicles.

  2. Witty lines and banter are always fun to read!

    Happy TTT!


    • They are. Andrews have a lot of fun lines in their books. I always smile when reading something of theirs. Thanks for visiting!

  3. That “here, kitty, kitty” quote was too funny!
    Lydia recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Humorous Quotes from BooksMy Profile

    • It’s one of my favorite lines ^_^! Thanks for visiting.