Wolf’s Haven

Tamara would risk her life to gain freedom. She’s finally built up the courage to escape from a world of abuse by the hands of the man who promised her the world. One night she makes a break for it, but her plans backfire. She begins to believe that she was never meant to be happy. When all hope of freedom fades, she stumbles across a wolf that brings her to safety. She learns to trust the wolf, but has yet to trust the man.
Devin, potential future leader of the Caedmon Pack, returns to the foothills of his Virginia home after five long years as a lone wolf. Rivals within the circle challenge him and threaten to strip him of his true birthright. Being bound to lead the pack was not something Devin had planned for his life, but letting his people fall prey to turmoil under the rule of his cousin Darius is out of the question. The night of Devin’s rise to Alpha leader is approaching. Despite opposition, he’s gained an impressive following. That is until he brings a human among the pack.
Tamara can’t deny the attraction she feels toward Devin. The Alpha leader-to-be simply cannot resist Tamara’s lure. When they are together, their tribulations take the backburner. Their desire for one another grows as they consummate their passion in wolf’s haven. Will Devin forfeit the most coveted position within the Caedmon Pack to bond with his chosen mate? Can Tamara trust Devin with her mind, heart, body, and soul or will the memories of her abuse dissuade her from being bound to the wolf?

“Wolf’s Haven” is based around Tamara, who is escaping an abusive relationship. She meets a wolf Devin sexy hot who helps her to safety.
Wolf’s Haven needed more conflict. The action scene(s) was/were way to quick for my liking. Elisa who is Devin’s half-sister warned Tamara to be careful, but be careful of what and why; nothing happened. Maybe its a foreshadow for the other books. At this point I was hoping something would happen. The book needed to be longer. Everything happened in such a short time frame. Lots of potentially story lines in the book, but compacting them left the story feeling like it was lacking.
It was a nice quick sweet romantic read, but I felt like the story need more. Maybe more happens in the rest of the series.
Herding Cats - Burning Soup
March 18, 2014 at 2:40 pm
Yup I have this one too! Glad it was a nice one even if not a total wow-er. Sometimes those are nice in between reads 🙂
Angel's Guilty Pleasures
March 18, 2014 at 2:52 pm
Ya a good in between. The series looks like it kicked off, so I’m hoping that it’s not lacking down the road.
Jessica Haluska
March 18, 2014 at 12:15 pm
Here another one that I already have (Gah! Too. Many. Books). I think I’ll hold off for now though, since this particular plot was lacking. I’ve found that happens a LOT in the first book of a PNR series. Too much set-up for future stories. For instance, Dark Lover is my least favorite BDB book, but I LOVE the series overall.
Jessica @ Rabid Reads
Angel's Guilty Pleasures
March 18, 2014 at 2:53 pm
I agree Jessica most first books are hard because they try to set up the plot, world, characters etc and some authors can do it wonderful but others it makes us feel like something was missing. I’m hopping the rest of the series works out. As for BDB I love that series and so can’t wait for April 1st.