Beauty Awakened
Paranormal Romance – Angels

His name is Koldo. He is scarred, powerful, his control legendary-and he lives only for vengeance, determined to punish the angel who viciously removed his wings. But if he yields to the forces of hatred, he will be kicked from the heavens, eternally damned.
She is his last hope. Nicola Lane was born with a defective heart, yet this fragile human shows surprising strength as demons stalk her every move, determined to end her. She is the key to Koldo’s deliverance…and his downfall. Though he fights duty, destiny and his first addictive taste of desire, his toughest battle will be the one for Nicola’s life-even if he has to sacrifice his own.

A wingless angel and a girl tormented by demons. Is there redemption?
BEAUTY AWAKENED pulled me in from the very first page and consumed me to the last. I’m in love with the Sent Ones Angels of the Dark. Gena Showalter is an amazing author and knows how to tell a story that keeps you entertained and intrigued. What we get with Beauty Awakened is positive thinking, action, sexual tension and a little humor in this book.
The healing Koldo teaches Nicola and Laila is all about the power of positive thinking and if you think negative thoughts then those thoughts will start to bring you down. “You speak what you believe, and you believe you’re doomed. If there’s one thing I’ve learned throughout the years, it’s that what you believe is the impetus for your entire life.”
The sexual tension is just right between the main characters and we get one full on sex scene. It takes a talented author to write a romance book with only one actual sex scene and keep it sexy and Gena nailed it! We also get to see a lot of Axel in this book. While Axel acts extremely immature (he adds the comic relief in this book), you can’t help but laugh at his crazy antics and the absurd things that come out of his mouth. We also get an appearance/snippet of William from the Lords of the Underworld series.
Herding Cats - Burning Soup
April 17, 2014 at 2:16 am
I totally forgot about this one. I read book one and enjoyed it then got lost in all the other books coming out. Hmm. Will have to grab a copy next shopping spree 🙂
Angel's Guilty Pleasures
April 17, 2014 at 1:33 pm
LOL and book 3 Burning Dawn is due out on April 29th. Some people did not like this one, but as you can see I did. I looked past the issues they noticed and found myself pulled into great characters and a nice romance love story.
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures
Jessica Haluska
April 16, 2014 at 1:50 pm
So I just discovered that I already have book 1 😉 I’ve been meaning to try out Gena Showalter for awhile now, so maybe this series is a good place to start!
Jessica @ Rabid Reads
Angel's Guilty Pleasures
April 16, 2014 at 2:01 pm
Hi Jessica,
Have fun! I really enjoy Gena’s books.
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures