I’d like to welcome Julia Mills and Aaron O’Brien.. Congratulations Julia Mills on your release of Only For Her Dragon.
Julia, first, why don’t you tell us a little bit about the story? We won’t give it all away yet, just a peek.
It’s so nice to have you here too, Aaron. So, tell me, what do you think of Julia your author and how did you convince her to tell your story?
Tell us a little about the Dragon Guardsmen? What do they do? Why where they created?
What’s it like being the last bachelor in the Force of elite Dragon Guardsmen?
So tell me about your love interest in Only For Her Dragon. How did you meet?
Please share with us your First Kiss with Dr. Charlene Gallagher?
Now Julia what was your favorite part of the story to write? Did any scene have you crying or laughing while writing it?
Which of your prior characters would you most/least likely invite to dinner and why? Royce and Kyra, from For the Love of Her Dragon. Royce is the oldest and had to swallow so much of his pride and arrogance when he met Kyra. And Kyra is such a ball of energy and sass. A powerful white witch with a heart of gold.
Okay, how about a few fun questions about Julia Mills:
Favorite Drink? Diet Pepsi
Favorite Color? Red
Favorite Season? Summer
Favorite Online Hangout? Facebook – so many cool people
Favorite Animal? Dragon..duh!
Favorite Band or Musician? I LOVE so many! I listen to everything! Right now I am doing a lot of Fall Out Boy
Favorite Vacation Destination? Greek Isles
Favorite Movie or TV Show of all Time? Any Given Sunday
One last question Julia. What is next for you?
Thank you both for dropping by and visiting with me and my readers today. It has been a pleasure talking with you and we all look forward to more fantastic dragon stories.
Only For Her Dragon
Dragon Guard Series Book 6
by Julia Mills
There Are No Coincidences…
The last bachelor in a Force of elite Dragon Guardsmen, Aaron O’Brien decided long ago that single was the only way to be. Mates and children and happily ever after were for his brethren. He alone has accepted the responsibility of stopping the traitor and restoring peace to his clan. Unfortunately, Fate didn’t get the message.
The Universe Does Not Make Mistakes…
Intelligent, determined and level-headed, Dr. Charlene Gallagher has always found comfort in logic and reason. When the inexpiable jumps up and smacks her in the face will Charlie cling to her old beliefs or let go and find answers in the one man that clouds her judgment and ignites her passion?
Fate Will Not Be Denied
Nobody said it was going to be easy. The fight will be real. It will take compromise and a love created by the Universe. Only Charlie can take the leap of faith and only for her dragon…
BUY LINKs: Amazon US – Amazon UK – Amazon CA

I am a sarcastic,sometimes foul-mouthed, not afraid to drink a beer, always southern woman with 2 of the most amazing teenage daughters, a menagerie of animals and a voracious appetite for reading who recently decided to write the stories running through her brain.
I read my first book, Dr Suess’ Cat in The Hat by myself at 4 and was hooked. I believe a good book along with shoes, makeup and purses will never let a girl down and that all heroes of all the books I have ever read or will ever write pale in comparison to my daddy!
I am a sucker for a happy ending and love some hot sweaty sex with a healthy dose of romance.I am still working on my story but believe it will contain all of the above with as much SPICE as I can work into it.
Website: http://www.juliamillsauthor.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JLakeMills?ref=hl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JuliaMills623
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/juliamills623/
1st prize – $50 Amazon Gift Card,
2nd prize – Dragon Guards 1-5 signed paperbacks
3rd prize – full size Only for Her Dragon tote and swag
January 31, 2015 at 7:35 pm
Love the Dragon Guard Series! Doing a quick re-read of the previous books to refresh myself of everything plus catch things I may have missed before so I can read the new book that has just been released. I love how each new character is completely different yet both fits in and easily integrates into the story well. You can’t go wrong with this series!!
My only complaint, although I know irrelevant to the story, is the covers don’t match the physical description of the characters. These girls are curvy and voluptuous, BBW… Sam a Dbl D even. The pictures, yes they are beautiful, show very slim, petite looking women. Why?
Staci Simmons
January 31, 2015 at 2:48 pm
I absolutely love this series and the author is such a sweet person! Thank you so much for giving us the interview with her and Aaron, he’s one of my favorite dragons! Love him!
January 31, 2015 at 4:14 pm
I love doing duel interviews. I also love to read character interviews. They are so much fun! Glad you enjoyed! ^_^
Braine Talk Supe
January 30, 2015 at 3:01 pm
The myth is very interesting and the books sounds hot too! Fab interview 🙂
Braine Talk Supe recently posted…Loved It: Keep Me Safe & In His Keeping by Maya Banks + Series Giveaway
January 30, 2015 at 3:57 pm
I’m glad you enjoyed the interview Braine. I love doing and reading Character Interview and I think its cool when you get the Author to answer a few questions too. The best of both worlds!