Jane Yellowrock #0.2, #0.4, #0.5, & #3.5
Urban Fantasy
December 6, 2011

Four stories from the world of “smart, sexy, ruthless”* heroine Jane Yellowrock—plus bonus material!
Explore the world of shapeshifter and vampire hunter Jane Yellowrock in these four stories, collected here for the first time. Meet Jane as she leaves the orphanage she was raised in…and encounters the witch who’ll become her future best friend. Discover the story behind Cajun cop Rick LaFleur’s cat tattoos—and the powerful witch who inked them. And, in the final, all-new story, find out what happened between Jane and Rick seconds after the end of Mercy Blade. Plus, get a never-before-seen index of vampire clans and alliances and a letter from the author about the origins of Jane Yellowrock.
And don’t miss a special excerpt: the first three chapters from the newest Jane Yellowrock novel, Raven Cursed—out January 2012!
The stories "The Early Years," "Cat Tats," and "Kits" were previously available on the author's Web site, and "Blood, Fangs, and Going Furry" has never before been published.
Cat Tales features 4 short stories in the Jane Yellowrock series. Each are enjoyable and give you a little background on Jane and Rick.
I’ve only read book one Skinwalker; before I picked these short stories up. I think I should have at least read up to book three Mercy Blade; before diving into the short stories and novellas in the Jane Yellowrock series. They are good, but Blood, Fangs and Going Furry #3.2 gave some things away.
— The Early Years #0.2
Jane is 18 and leaving the children’s home she has spent her childhood at. She has an instinct she doesn’t understand and is going on a quest to the mountains where she was found.
We learn a little more about Jane, not much, get background on how she got her name Jane Yellowrock, and that she is starting to remember things from her past.
The Early Years was ok. Fans will like the little backstory.
Rated: 3 Stars
— Cat Tats #0.4
This one we get a backstory on Rick LaFleur who we meet in book one, Skinwalker.
Rick has gotten himself into trouble for chasing tail. What a surprise!!!
In Cat Tats we get Rick’s POV, learn how he got his tattoo’s, and who he’s related too. It was interesting to see how he got his cat tats and that they, Rick and Jane, where fated to cross paths. Their is a lot of pain that Rick goes through in this one.
Cat Tats was enjoyable. Fans will like the backstory on Rick and that fate was preparing him.
Rated: 3 Stars
— Kits #0.5
Aww. This one hit me in all the right places. We get to meet Molly and her family and the birth of Molly and Jane’s friendship. I do love a good friendship starter.
Something witchy is happening at Molly’s place and the Beast knows that a Kit is in trouble and needs help. This incident was mentioned in Skinwalker briefly and I was curious to learn a little more on how Molly and Jane’s friendship was sealed for life.
Kits was a sweet and enjoyable read. Fans will like seeing how Molly and Jane become friends.
Rated: 3.5 Stars
— Blood, Fangs and Going Furry #3.5
This one features Rick again and is in his POV.
A lot was given away in this one. You need to read book three Mercy Blade; before going into this short story.
Rick did a lot of woe is me and I fucked things up with Jane and need to talk to her to explain in this short story. I don’t feel sorry for him, but a lot of things where given away that had I read the books I wouldn’t be spoiled on.
As I said, read this short after reading Mercy Blade or things will be given away.
Blood, Fangs and Going Furry was ok. Fans might like it. I’m not a fan of Rick.
Rated: 3 Stars
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Challenge(s): Pick Your Genre (UF) | Library Love | Backlist Reader (2017)
March 7, 2017 at 11:36 pm
I didn’t know that there were so many little prequel stories! I really need to read book 2!
Melliane recently posted…Magic for Nothing by Seanan McGuire
March 8, 2017 at 4:23 pm
I didn’t until I went looking on Goodreads at the list for this series. They are interesting, but I think I needed to have read at least up to maybe book three before diving into these. A few of the shorts gave some things away, but still enjoyable.