Tell Me Something Tuesday: Who are some authors you have been meaning to read?

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Rainy Day Ramblings does Tell Me Something Tuesday.
This weeks question is:

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Who are some authors you have been meaning to read?


Well lets see. I’ve got to scroll through my To Read Shelf on Goodreads for this one. I can’t remember and I don’t keep a notes page with authors or books I want to read anymore, now that we have the lovely Goodreads to help use book lovers out ^_^.

First up is Sherrilyn Kenyon. Yes, I have’t tried her yet and everyone and I mean everyone says to give her Dark-Hunterverse series a go. With 28 books and more in the series, it’s a little daunting and intimidating, but I did pick up on our Library Book Sale day book one Fantasy Lover, so I have no excuse to try her out now. 

Another author on my list is Dannika Dark with her Crossbreads series. I’ve heard great things about the series and I actually own books 1 & 2 in eBook, so their is no excess to start the series since I own the first two.

Then we have Kresley Cole and her Immortals After Dark series and last, Suzanne Johnson and her Sentinels of New Orleans series. I could keep going on, but these four are at the top of my list. 

Darynda Jones, Faith Hunter, & Jim Butcher where on my list of authors to try, but this year I picked up their books and have been enjoying them. 


That’s a few of the authors I want to try out.
So, how about you? What authors are on your list?


I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

22 comments on “Tell Me Something Tuesday: Who are some authors you have been meaning to read?

  1. I have a HUGE list of authors I’ve been meaning to read, but I’m slowly chipping away at it. Two who stand out in my mind that I still need to read are Marie Lu and Paula Stokes.
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…August Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-UpMy Profile

    • Ooo I have Marie Lu, but I’ve not heard of Paula Stokes. Thank’s for the authors ^_^.

  2. Oh my, I wouldn’t even know where to start if I made this list myself. I feel like there are so many authors that are hyped, that I’ve heard about for years, but I just haven’t gotten around to reading their books! I really should. (Also, so many of these authors look so good!)

    • I know how you feel. It’s hard to pick for this list. Before I blogged my list was relatively short, but when I started, well so many new to me authors where piping up and being recommended to me, so my list is very long. Rachel, thank’s for stopping in and talking with me. ^_^

  3. I need to try more series by Dannika Dark. I’ve read one series and really loved it, but haven’t tried the others yet. I need to try Sherrilyn Kenyon. Seanan McGuire is on my list. I’ve read her work as Mira Grant, but not the other name. I can’t recommend Kresley Cole’s IAD series enough. I also HIGHLY recommend it on audio. It has one of my all-time favorite narrators in Robert Petkoff.
    Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Run to Ground Audiobook by Katie Ruggle (REVIEW)My Profile

    • Glad to know you REALLY like the audio for Cole. I’ll have to try it out that way too. I know their are so many authors to try. One day I’ll get too them. ^_^

  4. I have heard good things about Danika Dark. I love the Sentinenls of New Orleans series and Charley Davidson. Glad I am not the only one who wants to try Butcher.
    Heidi recently posted…Tell Me Something Tuesday #200th Edition: Authors I Want to ReadMy Profile

    • I’ve heard good things about Dark too. Butcher & Jones I picked up this year and started. They are both enjoyable. Sentinenls of New Orleans I haven’t gotten too yet, but it’s a want to try author/series. One day!!

  5. Oh I definitely agree that you should read Sherrilyn Kenyon and Kresley Cole. I keep meaning to read Jill Shalvis. One of these days I will.
    Mary Kirkland recently posted…Recipe: Avocado Cauliflower ToastMy Profile

    • Ya, one of these days I’ll give them all a try. So many books so little time and then all those new releases you want to pick up asap ^_^.

  6. I LOVE Sherrilyn Kenyon, and yes I know her series is HUGE hehe Just start with book one and work your way up, you won’t regret it I promise.

    • That is what everyone says about Kenyon. I won’t regret it. One day. I have book one, so hopeful soon. ^_^

  7. Great post Angela, Ilona Andrews is the top spot on my author wish list. So many of my blogger friends love them.

    • OMG YES Andrews is a must. I’ve got all their works and reread them when I’m in a slump or just need a break. Such amazing storytellers and their world building is outstanding. Hopeful you will get to try them soon.

  8. I need to catch up on Cole’s Immortals After Dark series. One of mine I want to try is Romina Russell’s Zodiac series. The covers are beautiful. I’m reading one now of an author I had been wanting to try – Jamie Beck’s Worth The Wait.

    • Hope you are enjoying Worth The Wait by Jamie Beck. I’ve not heard of Romina Russell. I’ll have to check her out. Cole lots suggest her Immortals After Dark series. One of these days ^_^.

  9. I would love to read more of darynda Jones reaper series I’ve read the first book and it was awesome!!! Shared on my socials!!!

    • I actually picked up Darynda Jones’s Reaper series in Audiobook. My first adult audiobook and very much enjoyed. I’m sticking with the audios as long as my library carries them. I like the mystery and the quirky humor. Thank’s for sharing and stopping in Kathy!!

  10. Oh Sherrilyn Kenyon is a must. It’s a long series but is kind of broken up by Dream Hunters, Were Hunters, etc. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Dream Hunters for some reason. Even higher up the list… Kresley Cole. OMG I love Immortals After Dark! Her Valkries are hilarious! Dannika Dark is also on my list to try and I have both the first Crossbreed and Mageri books on audio. Oh I think I have a couple of the Seven too from sales. Did you love Darynda Jones? I adore the Charley Davidson series!

    • I’m enjoying Darynda Jones’s Charley Davidson’s series. It’s fun. I’m doing the audiobooks for it. I’ve got the first book in the Mageri series too, I think it was a freebie, but I also bought the Crossbreed’s and I need to give Dannika Dark a try. Several like her. I know I Know Kenyon and Cole are on the top of the list. Even with their series being long everyone says to read them. One day I will. ^_^

  11. Looking on my Kindle. I found two books by Elizabeth Hunter and I’ve heard great things about her. I have two books by Siera Dean that I also want to try, and three by S.E. Hall that I also would like to try. I also have at least one by Sarah Fine as well. Someday.