This tag I found on YouTuber Bookables.
New Year’s Resolutions Book Tag
1. An author you’d like to read (that you’ve never read before).
Sandy Williams
2. A book you’d like to read.
Oh man, I’ve got many I’d like to read just check out my TBR on Goodreads. As I said in question one I wanted to try out Sandy Williams. I actually own book one: Shades of Treason and The Shadow Reader.

3. A classic you’d like to read.
A classic: Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice. Sean the movie, but haven’t read the book and want to.
4. A book you’d like to re-read.
I love to re-read books especially when in a slump or feeling down or just don’t know what to read, but one I’d like to read is Hot and Badgered by Shelly Laurenston
5. A book you’ve had for ages and want to read.
Into the Fire by Jeannie Frost
6. A big book you’d like to read.
Aren’t all books big….
7. An author you’ve previously read and want to read more of.
Katie Ruggle & Maisey Yates. I loved both these books and plan on reading more by these two authors.
8. A book you got for Christmas and would like to read.
I bought my own books and I’ve read all of them.
9. A series you want to read (start and finish)
I’ve got lots of series I want to read. One is Gold Valley by Maisey Yates.
10. A series you want to finish (that you’ve already started)
I’m working on Elemental Assassin series by Jennifer Estep, The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, and Jane Yellowrock by Faith Hunter.
11. Do you set reading goals? If so, how many books do you want to read in 2019?
Yes, I set reading goals each year. Currently my Goodreads goal is 150 books read in 2019. It’s a good place to be and doesn’t stress me out.
12. Any other reading goals?
Yep, I’m going to complete reading 30+ books from my library, 1-30 New Releases, 30+ For The Love eBooks Reading Challenge, & 30+ Backlist books. Check out my post on all the challenges I’ll be doing in 2019; HERE.
I’d love to hear from you.
What are your answers to this Resolution Book Tag?
January 29, 2019 at 5:09 pm
Ooooh Jennifer Estep is my absolute favorite author! And her Elemental Assassin series is great! I’m actually going to be starting Bitter Bite one of these days!
Liliana recently posted…Giveaway: Spartan Promise by Jennifer Estep
January 30, 2019 at 1:08 pm
Thank’s for visiting. Estep is a fabulous author. I’m really enjoying her Elemental Assassin series.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
January 24, 2019 at 11:30 am
I’d like to read Interview with a Vampire someday too.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Top Ten 2018 Books I Totally Meant to Read
January 24, 2019 at 1:28 pm
Sophia Rose
January 6, 2019 at 1:54 am
I haven’t read any Sandy Williams or Shelly Laurenston though I’d like to. I need to get caught up on that Jeanine Frost series, too.
Fun tag and I enjoyed getting your answers for your 2019 reading plans, Angela!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Audio Review: Close to the Bone by Kendra Elliot
January 6, 2019 at 3:33 pm
Laurenston is so much fun. Good luck on getting caught up on Frost. Thank’s for visiting!
January 5, 2019 at 10:45 am
This is a fun post! I don’t know if I have my own answers for some of those questions. I need to think more about it! But I am doing a “TRB” type challenge which will help me read some of those books I’ve had for a while!
Jen recently posted…#FitReaders Check-In: January 4, 2019
January 5, 2019 at 11:46 am
That’s good you have a challenge to help with the TBR. ^_^ I’ve got a lot of older books to read and hopeful I can get some of them read this year 2019. Glad you enjoyed the post. Have a great New Year!
Mary @StackingMyBookShelves!
January 4, 2019 at 7:00 pm
I will have to play along with this one! I didn’t make any resolutions but I don’t mind making some book ones!
January 4, 2019 at 8:36 pm
I made no personal resolutions, but I did make some books. ^_^ Book ones seam to be the only ones I can work on. Thank’s for stopping in
The Book Disciple
January 4, 2019 at 4:38 pm
I loved Hot and Badgered too! The audio was great as well. And yay for more Katie Ruggle!! Have a great year!
The Book Disciple recently posted…#TackleMyTBR 2019 Challenge
January 4, 2019 at 8:38 pm
Oh you just reminded me I want to get the audio for Hot and Badgered and I have a credit sitting on my Audible account. ^_^ I loved the book. Had fun listening to the Pride series in audio… Katie Ruggle was great. I actually have some of her books, but haven’t read them until this one I picked up at the library. Really enjoyed and plan to read more. Thank’s for stopping in.
January 4, 2019 at 12:49 pm
I love the series you are reading! I am up to date on all of them except Elemental Assassin. I’m about halfway through. Good luck! Anne – Books of My Heart
Anne recently posted…Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones
January 4, 2019 at 3:05 pm
Thank’s Anne. I’m enjoying the three series I’m working on plus those few ARC’s I’m getting. ^_^
Mary Kirkland
January 4, 2019 at 11:09 am
The only goal I made this year was to read at least 100 books by the end of the year. I made it to 81 last year.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Freebie Friday!
January 4, 2019 at 3:06 pm
Not bad getting 81 books read last year. Good luck on reading 100 this year!
kathy valentine
January 4, 2019 at 9:27 am
awesome book tag picks angela!! shared on all my socials!!
January 4, 2019 at 9:46 am