I saw this post during the Nov. 2018 Discussion Challenge link up; Drizzle & Hurricane Books put this post together with her co-blogger and sister Nyx, who found it on Paper Eyed Girl, and it was found on Flying Paperbacks.
Favorite Book of All Time
Oh Lordy, this is a tough one. I’ve got many many favorites. Many many books I’ve read over and over. You can check out my favorites shelf on Goodreads to see all my favorites over the years. But, if I have to go with a favorite well then I’d have to pick: Magic Strikes; because this one is where many things change in the plot and relationships. I’d also have to go with Iron Kissed; because many things change in Mercy’s life and she is not the same afterwords. The Mercy Thompson and Kate Daniels are my all time favorite series to read. I just LOVE these kick-ass women.
Favorite Book Five Years Ago
Five years ago would be 2015. You can check out everything I read in 2015 here at my Goodreads Challenge page. Their where a lot of amazing reads that year. Ilona Andrews published Sweep in Peace, Magic Stars, Small Magics, Magic Strikes and I read Night Shift that year too. Then I finally picked up Patricia Briggs, Alpha and Omega series, to read: Cry Wolf, Hunting Ground, and I also read Shifting Shadows a book full of novellas from the world of Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega. Some other favorites from that year where Sharon Kay’s – Kissed by a Demon Spy, Anna Lowe’s- Desert Moon, Jennifer Adhley’s – Mate Bond, Felicity Heaton’s – Craved by an Alpha, Juliette Cross – Windburn, Laura Wright’s – Brash, and Julie Ann Walker – Thrill Ride.
Favorite Duology/Trilogy/Series
I read series books. I’ve only read one Trilogy and that would be The Kingmaker Chronicles by Amanda Bouchet. I had my up’s and down’s with the books. The first book blew me away, book two had way to much sex, and three was action-packed, but the ending was a let down. I expected more of a battle.
Last Book You Read
Last Book of Poetry I’ve Read
The last book of poetry I read was when I was in High School. They make you read that and other required reading. I can’t remember what the poetry was since it was 1998 – 2001.
What Book Most Influenced Your Life
I read romance and urban fantasy. Not sure if they really influence me, but if I’d have to pick I’d go with Halfway to the Grave, since it’s the book that got me to love reading, drove me back into reading, and my falling into romance reads for the first time.
Book That Made You Ugly Cry
Book That Made You Laugh
The Dragon Kin series has a lot of fun moments and conversations. Same goes for the Pride series and spin-off Honey Badger series.
Character You’d Like to Be For A Day
I’d love to be Mercy Thompson, Kate Daniels, Nevada Baylor, and Gin Blanco – any of these Kick-Ass Women would do. I love a strong heroine who has layers to unravel, but can keep it together and get the job done.
Book So Good You Dreamt About It
All the books I read get under my skin and I dream about them in someway.
Book You DNFed
You can see my full list of DNFed books here. I just recently (2018) got comfortable with DNFing a book. Why put myself through reading something that wasn’t working for me; especially when their are so many books out their to discover. The last book I set down was: A Cross to Bear by M. J. Lovestone.
What Book Are You Excited to Read
I’ve got a lot of books I’m excited to read many are older titles with a few new releases as well. Here are a few new releases to wet your appetite!
I’d love to hear from you! Do we have some books in common? What’s one book you are most excited to read (whether it’s already released, or not?)
April 1, 2019 at 6:49 pm
What a fun post! Those are some pretty good lists! I completely agree about Kate being the best. It’s hard to pick my absolute favorite from that series, but probably Magic Shifts is mine. Now call me crazy… but isn’t it 2019? So five years ago would be 2014?? My favorite books that year were The Kraken King by Meljean Brook and Forged by Desire by Bec McMaster. As for most recent DNF: In a Badger Way. It’s just not my thing. I liked the first one, and hoped I’d like this one more… but I didn’t.
Jen recently posted…Review: The Marriage Mistake Trilogy by Nicole Snow
April 1, 2019 at 10:07 pm
LOL my math was off a year. The time just fly’s by. ^_^ I so didn’t catch that LOL. Kate is awesome. It’s so hard to pick a favorite with any book or series. Eh sorry about In a Badger Way. I’m reading it now. I replay love the Pride series and then this spin-off is fun. I get a kick out of the crazy quirky characters and wild antics. Will see how this new read goes by Laurenston.
Thank’s for visiting and sharing.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
March 30, 2019 at 3:03 pm
That favorite book of all time question, is always really tough! Fun to get to know you more through books! 🙂
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…March 2019 Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up & Giveaway
March 30, 2019 at 3:48 pm
The favorite question is one I can’t really answer because I have so many. Book lovers end up loving so many books. Glad you enjoyed. Have a wonderful weekend!
Melanie Simmons
March 30, 2019 at 6:07 am
You and I are very similar in our likes. I love so many of the books you listed. It is hard to go wrong with Kate, Mercy, Kat and Gin.
Melanie Simmons recently posted…Audio: Of Blood and Bone by Nora Roberts
March 30, 2019 at 12:39 pm
I agree hard to wrong with those characters. ^_^ Thank’s for visiting! ?
Aj @ Read All The Things!
March 29, 2019 at 6:19 am
I haven’t read any of these books, but I like this post idea. I might have to steal it.
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…Tag: The Sunshine Blogger Award
March 29, 2019 at 7:36 am
Go a head and steal. It was a fun tag to do. The first question is the one I always h8 answering because I just don’t have one favorite I have many. ^_^ Can’t wait to see what you say! Have a great weekend.
Kathy Valentine
March 29, 2019 at 6:15 am
Awesome job on q&a angela!!! Shared on my socials!??
March 29, 2019 at 7:37 am
Glad you enjoyed, Kathy. Thank’s for visiting and always sharing! ^_^
Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict
March 29, 2019 at 5:36 am
I agree on so many of these. I’m really getting frustrated that so many of the Ella Summers books have come out in ebook but still aren’t out in audio. I guess I’m going to have to pick them up in ebook which really disappoints me.
Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict recently posted…Waiting On Wednesday ~ Cipher by Larissa Ione @LarissaIone
March 29, 2019 at 7:41 am
Ella Summers is an Indie Author, so it may not be as easy for her to get them out in Audio. Who knows! But ya I’ve notice they are only eBooks and Paperbacks amiable on her stuff. I’d love to listen to at some point, but for now it’s eBook on her. I just picked up her “Dragon Born” series to try and slowly working my away through it. ^_^