When I started this culling, My Goodreads TBR was 853. At the end it’s down to 818. I removed 35 books off my TBR.
- Men of Mercy (#2-#4) plus novellas
- Highland Devil (Murray Family, #22)
- Falling for the Werewolf by Abbie Zanders
- Lethal Lies (Blood Brothers, #2)
- Phantom Kiss (Chicagoland Vampires #12.5)
- Master of Darkness (Mageverse, #9)
- Last Kiss Goodnight (Otherworld Assassin, #1)
- Switched (Trylle, #1)
- Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire (Love at Stake, #16)
- How to Seduce a Vampire (Love at Stake, #15)
- Witchin’ You’re A Dragon (Magick & Chaos, #3)
- EXIT Inc. (#2 – #3)
- My Sugar Daddy (The Sugar Daddies, #0.5)
- Primal Heat (Includes: Breeds, #8.5; Devlin Dynasty, #1; Moon Lust, #1)
- Breaking the Nexus (Mythrian Realm, #1)
- Warrior Unleashed by Lindsay Avalon
- Demon of Desire by Ari Thatcher
- Sexy Witches: The Complete Series by Charity Parkerson
- Omega Mine (Alpha and Omega, #1)
- Seduced By Magic (Magical Seduction, #1)
- Crimson Night (Night, #1)
- My Wolf King (Wolf Town Guardians, #1)
- Hex Appeal (Phoenix Chronicles; The Shadowfae Chronicles, #4.5; Kate Daniels, #5.6; The Dresden Files, #11.9)
- Valentine’s Day Sucks (Broken Heart, #10.5; Broken Arrow, #0.5)
- Captured (The Captive, #1)
- Last Chance Cowboys: The Outlaw (Where the Trail Ends, #3)
- I’m Dreaming of an Undead Christmas (Half-Moon Hollow, #2.7)
- Colorado Crime Scene (The Men of Search Team Seven #1)
- Falling for the Highlander (Highland Brides, #4)
- The Thief’s Gambit (Edge of Oblivion, #2) by Sarah Makela
Do you ever go through your TBR and remove books? or Do you keep everything you add on their?
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
April 14, 2019 at 6:48 pm
35 books is a nice culling! My TBR is always out of control. 🙂
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 4/14/19
April 14, 2019 at 6:52 pm
I like the feeling that I’m getting it in some type of order or control even if I still keep adding to it. ^_^
herding cats
April 9, 2019 at 7:27 pm
Woo that is a lot of books gone. Some of them are on my favorites list. lol
April 9, 2019 at 8:18 pm
It’s nice to finally get my TBR more organized and under control. Still work to do, but it’s a start.
Melanie Simmons
April 7, 2019 at 5:45 pm
I do remove some every now and then. I could probably do it more often.
Melanie Simmons recently posted…Lonen’s Reign by Jeffe Kennedy
April 7, 2019 at 7:55 pm
Good luck. I still have work to do, but it’s better then what it was.
Laura Thomas
April 6, 2019 at 9:26 pm
I do cull books from my Goodreads TBR. Especially if I have more than one book in a series on there. I need to go take a look at mine again. Been a while.
Laura Thomas recently posted…Spotlight and Giveaway ~ Once Upon A Murder by D.E. Dennis
April 6, 2019 at 10:22 pm
I’ve stil got a ways to go, but i’m trying to get my TBR more organized and not keep a hole series on. I also put books on their that I know I’ll never read just to get a giveaway entry. My goal is to get it more to what I know I’m going to read or have an interest in. Thank’s for visiting.
Anne - Books of My Heart
April 6, 2019 at 10:19 am
MY TBR is much larger and I don’t really care about trimming. You removed some on this list which I have read and enjoyed. If it works for you, that’s great
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Audio: How to Live an Undead Lie by Hailey Edwards
April 6, 2019 at 10:20 pm
Thank’s Anne!
Mary Kirkland
April 6, 2019 at 10:09 am
I usually only add a few at a time and read them before I add more so my tbr pile isn’t real large.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Review: Law & Disorder by Liv Arnold
April 6, 2019 at 10:19 pm
That’s great!
Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict
April 6, 2019 at 6:55 am
I look at my TBR and get reminded of what I added then I don’t really take any off because I feel like I do want to read those books. I don’t normally add to it anymore though. I have only been putting the books on GR as I start reading them until I decide how to best control that GR TBR.
Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict recently posted…Review ~ Turbo Twenty-Three by Janet Evanovich
April 6, 2019 at 9:17 am
That’s one way to help the TBR and keep it under control.
Kathy Valentine
April 6, 2019 at 5:46 am
I am terrible about controlling my tbr pile!!!! I clean it up and say to myself that I won’t add anymore til I read some and then turn around and add more!!! Hi I’m Kat and I’m a book addict!! Lmfao!!!??
Shared on my socials!! Have a awesome weekend ladies!??
April 6, 2019 at 9:18 am
LOL Kat….. ^_^
Kate Sarsfield
April 6, 2019 at 5:36 am
I definitely cull my TBR! Usually every couple of months, otherwise I know I’ll never get round to reading them and that makes me feel bad, so I suppose it’s for the best.
April 6, 2019 at 9:19 am
Sometimes cleansing the TBR can be refreshing. I still have work to do on my TBR, but it’s better then it was.