Book Blogger Hop hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Each week they have a new book related question you can answer. If you are interested in finding out more, the next weeks question, and/or participating then stop by the Book Blogger Hop page.
About 5 years ago I use to continue with a book even though I didn’t like it. It would take me a long time to finish, but I would do it. Now, I’ve come to realizes that I don’t need to do that. It’s my time and if I’m not liking the book then I shouldn’t stress myself out about finishing it. So, no I don’t continue if I don’t like the book. As a reader their are just to many books out their to read them all and no point in reading something you aren’t liking.
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and for more information check out her blog. Each week a new Top Ten list will be featured. Everyone is welcome to join! A list of 10 is just a suggestion, but you can do a list of 3 or 5 or 20.
Oh, this is a tough one. Some years had more then one favorite release. So, I’m picking books that I’ve re-read a few times now.
2018 – Lionheart (Moonshadow #3) by Thea Harrison (Published: October 15th 2018)
2017 – White Hot (Hidden Legacy #2) by Ilona Andrews (Published: May 30th 2017)
2016 – A Promise of Fire (Kingmaker Chronicles #1) by Amanda Bouchet (Published: August 2nd 2016)
2015 – Sweep in Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles #2) by Ilona Andrews (Published: November 13th 2015)
2014 – Night Broken (Mercy Thompson #8) by Patricia Briggs (Published: March 11th 2014)
2013 – Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling #12) by Nalini Singh (Published: June 4th 2013)
2012 – Gunmetal Magic (Kate Daniels #5.5) by Ilona Andrews (Published: July 31st 2012)
2011 – Magic Slays (Kate Daniels #5) by Ilona Andrews (Published: May 31st 2011)
2010 – First Drop of Crimson (Night Huntress World #1) by Jeaniene Frost (Published: February 9th 2010)
2009 – Hunting Ground (Alpha & Omega #2) by Patricia Briggs (Published: September 1st 2009)
Tell Me Something Tuesday hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings.
It’s pretty obvious if you follow the blog who my favorite authors are. Here we have those that publish with big publishing companies:
Ilona Andrews – The writing duo are masters at crafting extrodanary worlds, characters, and battle scenes. I love her Kate Daniels series, Hidden Legacy series, The Edge series, and Innkeeper Chronicles. Each series brings something new to the table and even after re-reading them all I still feel like I did the first time picking up the books.
Patricia Briggs – Mercy Thompson is my first love, but I also love her Alpha & Omega series plus I’m trying some of her other books now too. Mercy is one of those characters that captured me from the moment I met her. She’s got depth and layers that just make her someone I’d love to be friends with.
Nalini Singh – I feel in love with her Psy-Changeling series and never looked back. It’s got shifters and science fiction in a modern world. Many blogger friends said if I liked the PC series I’d like her Guild Hunter and they weren’t wrong. That series is also unique and entertaining with angels, vampires, and more.
Shelly Laurentson also know as G.A. Aiken – Laurenston has a way of bringing humor and outrageous characters to life. Her Pride series is one that makes me laugh and is a go to when I need a pick me up. Her Dragon Kin also is over the top and I just love both.
Jennifer Estep – Many bloggers have recommended Estep and her Elemental Assassin series. Well she become a favorite just after the first book in the series and I haven’t looked back. Her writing is non-stop action that keeps you on the edge until the bitter end.
Then those that are not with big publishers, but self-publish:
Hailey Edwards – Writes UF. I started with her Black Dog Series, then onto Gemini & Lorimar Pack series and now her new series The Beginner’s Guide to Necromancy.
Anna Lowe – Writes PNR. Her writing is an emotional journey that will pull you in and connect you to each characters. We always get an HEA, but the journey brings out the emotions. I started with her The Wolves of Twin Moon Ranch and then went onto her Blue Moon Saloon which is in the same world.
Juliette Cross – Writes PNR. She captured me with her Morgan men. I love the human/dragon breed. We have the Nightwing series and then Vale of Star series. I also read her Vampire Blood series that gives a new take on old fairy tales. I enjoyed, but my first love is her dragons.
Thea Harrison – Writes PNR/UF. I picked up her Elder Race series which gives us a verity of supernaturals and a unique world. She has a spin-off in the same world called Moonshadow. Both are great series to read.
Felicity Heaton – Writes PNR. Heaton is another author who can bring out the characters and build the world she is writing in. I love her Eternal Mates series and look forward to each new edition in it.
herding cats
June 3, 2019 at 7:16 am
Some of my favorite authors in that list 🙂 I enjoyed quite a few of those, too.
herding cats recently posted…[memes] Best Books of the Last Decade + my week in books
June 3, 2019 at 9:56 am
^_^ Thank’s for stopping in.
Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict
May 27, 2019 at 9:32 am
I’m terrible at DNF’ing. I’m currently reading one I’m not crazy about, but I’m curious to see if it is going to go somewhere. It’s very annoying!
Great favorite picks! Totally agree. I haven’t read the self-pubbed authors, but they sound like books I need on my TBR!
Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict recently posted…Waiting On Wednesday ~ Even Tree Nymphs Get The Blues by Molly Harper @mollyharperauth
May 27, 2019 at 9:50 am
I’ve had those books. It’s like they just keep enough of your attention even when they drive you crazy and by the end your like…. well hmmm
Happy to help you find some new authors to try. Thank’s for stopping in.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
May 26, 2019 at 6:40 pm
I have such a hard time truly DNFing. Usually if I’m not liking a book I’ll end up skim-reading parts of it.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday (Saturday?) Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 5/26/19
May 26, 2019 at 8:06 pm
I can skim, but don’t like too. I can’t skip pages that just doesn’t feel right, so DNF it is if the book isn’t working. Thank’s for stopping in.
Sophia Rose
May 26, 2019 at 10:51 am
Fun to see your answers to these. I started DNF-ing after many years of forcing myself to finish books.
Yes! Those are favorite books and authors for me, too.
Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: White Trash Zombie Apocalypse by Diana Rowland
May 26, 2019 at 2:47 pm
Thank’s for stopping in.
May 26, 2019 at 10:48 am
Yes, Andrews and Briggs most def! I need to try the others still
Lily recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up #31 – Where did May go?
May 26, 2019 at 2:48 pm
Hope you enjoy the authors you pick to try. Thank’s for stopping in.
Kathy Valentine
May 26, 2019 at 6:26 am
I can’t dnf books,I have ocd bad and even though the book might suck I need a ending. I will skip pages of its too bad.
1-2009-Strangers -kmm
2- 2010-Lover Mine -Jr ward
3-2011-Shadowfever- KMM
4–2012- Iced – KMM
5-2013- Styxx- sherrilyn Kenyon
6-2014-Burning Dawn- gena shoemaker
7-2015-bound by Flames- jeaniene frost
8-2016-Blood Vow -jr ward
9-2017-Into the Fire – jeaniene frost
10-2018-High Voltage-Karen M Moning
11-2019- midnight with the devil- Emma castle
I love so many!!I
Karen Marie moning
Gena shoemaker
Kresley Cole
Sherrilyn kenyon
Lara adrian
Sandra R Neeley
Ana Calin
Patricia A Rasey
Emma castle
awesome post!! Shared on my socials!!
May 26, 2019 at 2:50 pm
Thank’s for sharing your answers to the memos. I like your picks on favorite books for the years. I can’t skip pages in a book, so DNF is what happens if it’s not working for me. Thank’s for visiting and sharing!