In July I got a Kindle Paperwhite for my birthday. Now I wasn’t planning on ever doing Kindle Unlimited, but I took the leap! Amazon had a great deal for KU in July. They offered up 3 Months Free for Prime Members & since I’m a Prime Member I joined KU.
Why I took the leap?
- I love free books and many authors now offer up the first book free to give you a taste of what you can expect. I’ve been trying to read those freebies this year and some have peeked my interest enough that I want to read on. I also noticed several of the series I’m interested in are on KU.
- The other reason for taking the leap is that a few series that I started reading (bought the books for) are long series or they have cross-over worlds and you need to read both series to connect things. This can get pricey, so when I saw that they are also in KU I figured this is the way to go for now.
I had a plan to read Ella Summers, Danielle Garrett, & Linsey Hall, but my plan went awry and I got into a Sci-Fi Romance kick and picked up Calista Skye and Anna Hackett. Now I’m still planing to read the other authors and finish the series I started with them, I’m just side tracked at the moment.
Here is what I read and recommend:
Ella Summers – I like Summers and I’d recommend her Legion of Angels series which I really enjoyed. I wanted to try out some of her other series that are out and so, I bought the first 4 books in the Dragon Born Serafina, but I soon found out that I needed to read the other series that are in the same world (Dragon Born Serafina, Dragon Born Alexandria, & Dragon Born Awakening) to fully understand what is going on. I was lucky enough to find the full world on KU and have been reading them. I like the books. They are action-packed and entertaining. What I don’t like is that it’s all these different series in the same world on the same time frame or close too. I’d be more inclined to buy/read if they where all a one series title.
Here is the reading order:
- Mercenary Magic (Dragon Born Serafina, Book 1) – Bought/Read
- Magic Edge (Dragon Born Alexandria, Book 1) – Read
- Magic Games (Dragon Born Serafina, Book 2) – Bought/Read
- Magic Nights (Dragon Born Serafina, Book 3) – Bought/Read
- Blood Magic (Dragon Born Alexandria, Book 2) – Read
- Magic Kingdom (Dragon Born Alexandria, Book 3)
- Fairy Magic (Dragon Born Awakening, Book 1) – Bought
- Rival Magic (Dragon Born Serafina, Book 4) – Bought
- Shadow World: A Dragon Born Trilogy
- Spirit Magic (Dragon Born Awakening, Book 2)
- Magic Immortal (Dragon Born Awakening, Book 3)
- Shadow Magic (Dragon Born Alexandria, Book 4)
Anna Hackett – I read Marcus and feel in love with her writing and storytelling. Now the Hell Squad isn’t in KU, but some of the other series that I’ve had my eye on are, so I read Eon Warriors, Galactic Gladiators, & Galactic Gladiator: House of Rone. I highly recommend Hackett and these series. I’m not finished read the Gladiators, yet, but I am devouring them. I also plan to buy Hackett’s work. It’s so very good and I know I’ll be reading them again.
Here is the reading order:
Eon Warriors by Anna Hackett
- Edge Of Eon – Read
- Touch Of Eon – Read
- Heart Of Eon – Read
Here is the reading order:
Galactic Gladiators by Anna Hackett
- Gladiator – Read
- Warrior – Read
- Hero
- Protector
- Champion
- Barbarian
- Beast
- Rogue: Information Rogue / Desert Rogue
- Guardian
- Cyborg
- Imperator
- A Galactic Gladiator Christmas (#11.5)
- Hunter: Desert Hunter / Alien Hunter / Galactic Gladiator (#11.25, #11.50, #11.75)
Here is the reading order:
Galactic Gladiators: House Of Rone by Anna Hackett
- Sentinel – Read
- Defender – Read
Calista Skye – Someone said to check out her Caveman Aliens series. It’s set on a Jurassic Planet and all the earth women have been kidnaped and dumped on it. They have to survive, but they soon learn they aren’t alone. The Caveman have no women on the plant and have an Ancestral history/prophecy about The Women. You can guess how things go! I’ll say that this series started out interesting enough to keep me reading, but I’m not wow’d. It was just ok and the 6th book I didn’t care for. I think I’m Caveman’d out! I won’t be reading them again.
Here is the reading order:
- Caveman Alien’s Ransom – Read
- Caveman Alien’s Mate – Read
- Caveman Alien’s Rage – Read
- Caveman Alien’s Pride – Read
- Caveman Alien’s Trap – Read
- Caveman Alien’s Secret – Read
- Caveman Alien’s Claim
- Caveman Alien’s Trick
Hailey Edwards – I love her writing and story telling. She just released Shadow of Doubt (The Potentate of Atlanta, #1) which is a new spin-off series to The Beginner’s Guide to Necromancy. I highly recommend this author and any of her series. I grabbed this on KU instead of doing the ARC; which I am part of her review team. I will also be purchasing the book as well, since I really enjoyed it and plan to read again. I’ve bought a lot of her work.
That was my first month on KU. Tune in next month to see what I’ve read, picked up, and tried in Kindle Unlimited!
Do you have any recommendations for KU?
Anne - Books of My Heart
September 7, 2019 at 1:06 pm
I have a LONG list like 0 things I want to read on KU. I am reading Danielle Garrett. I am LOVING the Robert Dugoni – Tracey Crosswhite series, the Melinda Leigh series are great too. I would call the first more mystery (police) with a touch of romance. The Melinda Leigh ones are romantic suspense. Both are read AND listen so I have been doing audio books.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Audio: The Apartment by K.L. Slater
September 7, 2019 at 6:48 pm
Some great suggestions to check out. Garrett I definitely have plans to read on KU. I’ve bought some books and have been reading them, but no that I’ve got KU for a few months I’ll go that route. I’ll check some of the others you suggested. Thank’s for stopping in.
September 2, 2019 at 7:10 am
I really like being able to try new authors on KU. It feels lower risk, ya know! Enjoy your KU finds!
Samantha recently posted…Constant Risk by Janie Crouch
September 3, 2019 at 10:40 am
Ya, I know what you mean on the lower risk. Many library don’t care indie authors and a lot of indie authors are in KU, so it gives me a chance to try them without spending the money to buy a book I may not like or author I may not like. Thank’s for visiting!
sherry fundin
August 30, 2019 at 11:54 am
i haven’t done KU but i can see why someone would. there are many series i would like to finish but don’t want to spend the money. i have a ton of free books and i check things out from the library and so far that works good for me
sherry fundin recently posted…3 Bodies and a Missile – Tainted Future by Ashley Fontainne @AshleyFontainne
August 30, 2019 at 2:08 pm
I have a tone of free books too, but most are of indie authors and those aren’t at my library. I will check my library first for books before looking at other locations. I try to keep my book spending down and only buy what I know I will read again. I’ve become more conscious and maybe picky as to what I’ll pay for. The KU series feels like a library and so, far the authors I want to read are on their. I’ll keep it until my free months are up then wait on another deal to start back up. Trying to fit what I can in, while I have it. Thank’s for stopping Sherry. Happy Reading!
Anne - Books of My Heart
August 30, 2019 at 10:53 am
If you like mystery / thriller at all I highly recommend Robert Dugoni’s Tracey Crosswhite series and also everything by Melinda Leigh. The Danielle Garrett books are all there. I have a list in a spreadshee of at least 50 other authors I want to try who are there so yeah. They are things not at the library. I tend to get membership when there is a deal. Then drop it and get it when there is another deal.
I should say both the Robert Dugoni and the Melinda Leigh ones are read and LISTEN, so I got them on audio through KU.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Audio: Big Ghosts Don’t Cry by Danielle Garrett
August 30, 2019 at 2:05 pm
I’m like you I do the discount/deal and then when it’s up I drop and wait for another deal. That’s what I’ve got now with KU. 3 Months free. Then I’ll drop it until another deal comes along. Garrett, ya her books are all in KU and I want to read them. I’ve bought the ones I have read so far. The Indie authors aren’t at the library, so I have to find other ways to enjoy them and give them a go. Thank’s for the recommendations on who I should try.
August 30, 2019 at 5:15 am
I haven’t done KU for a few reasons, but mostly because I have so many other books in my TBR and on my schedule that I’m reading. I feel like I’d never actually read the KU books. SO your perspective is appreciated. As for Anna H – I loved her Phoenix Adventure series a lot – but I fell out of reading sci-fi romance as much. I need to get back to it. Her stuff is great!
Jen recently posted…#FitReaders Check-In: August 30, 2019
August 30, 2019 at 7:29 am
I was totally with you on those reasons and I never thought I’d take the plunge into KU for those reasons alone, but then I started reading Ella Summers, Dragon Born series, who’s an inde author. I wait for Gift Cards and try to keep my spending down on buying books. The Dragon Born Series World has many different series, (Dragon Born Serafina, Dragon Born Alexandria, & Dragon Born Awakening), in the world that all work together to complete a big story picture. Buying them was getting pricey, so when I saw she was on KU and then this deal came I took the leap.
Many other bloggers have recommended Anna H. I picked up 3 of her books, the first in a series, that where free. This year I was trying very hard to read those freebies and I feel for her writing and storytelling. I’ll check out her Phoenix Adventure. Thank’s for the recommendation. Happy Reading!
Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict
August 30, 2019 at 5:14 am
I received 3 months of KU with my Paperwhite purchase last year and I totally forgot about it and never used it. Is there a special catalogue for it or do you just search the book you want and see if it’s available? I’m kind of funny about owning my books, so I didn’t think that KU would work for me. I’m glad you are getting so much out of it that it makes the subscription price worth it!
Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict recently posted…Cover Reveal ~ Spellbound by Dannika Dark @DannikaDark
August 30, 2019 at 7:39 am
For KU they have a catalog page, Browse Kindle Unlimited Books, that you can look through to find books in KU, or you can search on Amazon and it will tell you where the price is for the book if it’s in KU. KU feels like a library service in that you borrow the book, read it, and then return it. I try to use my library a lot to find new books and authors and after reading if I love it and know I want to read it again, then I put it on my buy list. I try to keep my book spending down. I manly buy eCopys now and if you don’t like the book you can’t get ride of it or pass it onto someone else, so I try to be particular on what I buy. Manly it’s got a lot of indie authors in it and the authors I listed here in the post are one’s I’ve wanted to read or am reading before I had KU. Thank’s Tanya for visiting.