Tell Me Something Tuesday: Comfort Foods & Reads

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[su_note note_color=”#9ed2e8″ radius=”4″]Oct. 13th, 2020 Topic: Comfort foods and comfort reads: now that the weather is getting cooler, share some of yours.[/su_note]

Comfort Reads:
I like to fall back on old favorites for my comfort reads. 

Kate Daniels & Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews


Dragon Kin series by G.A. Aiken


Pride Series by Shelly Larenston


Comfort Foods:
When I was younger in my 20’s and teens I loved Ice Cream, Chocolate, and Pizza for my comfort foods, but the older I got my taste in comfort foods changed.

Vanilla Pudding

Apple Sauce




[su_note note_color=”#9ed2e8″ radius=”4″]Next topic Oct. 20th, 2020: Worst character jobs: what are some jobs characters have had that you disliked or would hate to do?[/su_note]


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I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

6 comments on “Tell Me Something Tuesday: Comfort Foods & Reads

  1. Yea!! I’m so glad you are joining in the TMST fun! I do LOVE LOVE LOVE Ilona Andrews and they are pretty much the only authors/books I reread any more. Perfect choice. I’m almost 50 and I still love chocolate, pizza, and ice cream!!
    Jen recently posted…Review + Excerpt: Unwritten by J.R. GrayMy Profile

  2. My comfort reads are The Wheel of Time, Harry Potter, and TS Joyce’s books related to Damon’s Mountains.

    Comfort foods…chips and dip.
    Jayne Townsley recently posted…#BookReview | #3Stars #CleanRomance The Billionaire’s Christmas Hideaway by Kimberley MontpetitMy Profile

  3. I love those Ilona Andrews series, too. My comfort foods have changed, too. I enjoy cinnamon anything it seems and hearty soups.

    • Thank’s for sharing and visiting!

  4. some good looking books. i love vanilla pudding and apple sauce too
    sherry fundin recently posted…Giveaway – On St Nick’s Trail by M K Scott @morgankwyatt @SDSXXToursMy Profile

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