SAVAGE IN THE TOUCH by Miliana Jacks is out now!
Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today!
Savage in the Touch
Author: Miliana Jacks
Genre: Fantasy Romance
About Savage in the Touch:
The horde will come. They will consume. They will leave.
The fearsome horde wasn’t supposed to be real…
But then myth becomes reality in the touch of a savage. Glowing red eyes, pointed teeth, and claws demolish everything in our village. As well as my hope to escape with my sister.
There’s nothing we can do except wait for their departure, hoping they don’t take more than we have to give.
The savage’s demands are swift and foreign, as is the hunger in his eyes. He only watches me and the fire in his gaze burns brighter the longer he stares.
I’m beginning to think he’ll never leave…
Or if he does, he won’t go without me.
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He rubs his cheek against mine, the way a lion might greet his cub. He smells like something warm and inviting, like spiced cinnamon burning over sandalwood. He reminds me of winter nights spent under furs in front of a fireplace, and when he speaks into my ear in that language of his I don’t understand, it doesn’t sound barky anymore. It’s an invitation to touch him.
I do. I press my palm against the sigil. This time, it does nothing to move the male. Instead, the male inhales sharply and starts purring from his chest.
I gasp and jerk my hand away, then step back. Animals purr like that.
“The sigil doesn’t lie,” he says.
“Are you spelling me? What did you do to me?”
“I did nothing.”
“But you wield magic.”
“I do.”
“Very easily.”
“You know what I meant.” I tug the buckles of the seven leather belts over his belly and release them. The belts fall, crashing all his weapons onto the floor. I spot a machete and pause.
“You want to bleed me?” he asks.
“What? No.” Well, maybe.
“Then don’t look at my blades with longing in your eyes. That look is reserved for my c**k.”
Unwilling to indulge in his flirting or whatever he thinks he’s doing, I shake my head. “Only the fae are born with magic.” Right?
“Is that a question?”
“No, I know about magic.” I know nothing of the sort.
“I smell lies.”
“Seriously?” The kilt hangs so low on his hips that it’s showing me his pubic hair. When I don’t remove the kilt, the male flicks the side of it with a red claw. The kilt falls like a curtain at the end of a theater play. And there it is, his almighty c**k rising to greet me and show off the sigil marking at the huge mushroom top of it. It’s identical to the sigil on his chest, except this one isn’t gold.
“Are you longing for it yet?” he asks as he brushes past me.
Water splashes as he enters the tub. I stand there, staring at the place he vacated, wishing I hadn’t said no in the first place…

Milana grew up with tales of water fairies that seduced men, vampires that seduced women, and Babaroga who’d come to take her away if she didn’t eat her bean soup. She writes sci-fi fantasy romance with dominant monsters from her home on Earth where she lives with her mate and their three little beasts.
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Mary Kirkland
February 26, 2022 at 2:03 pm
The premise sounds good and I like that cover.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Favorite Song of the Week
March 6, 2022 at 3:29 pm
I like the cover too. Thanks for visiting!