Review: The Naga’s Pet (Naga’s of Protheka #2) by Celeste King

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The Naga's Pet Book Cover The Naga's Pet
Naga's of Protheka #2
Celeste King
Science Fiction Romance
Protheka Publishing
June 21st 2022
Kindle Unlimited


I am human bedsport. Death would be a mercy at this point.

As a human woman on Protheka, my life is miserable.
So it’s no surprise when the dark elves put me up on a market in Nagaland.

That’s when Kazhir sees me.

At first I don’t know what he sees in me – a frail girl in irons.
But he brings me to his home.
Gives me food and rest until I am healthy and comfortable for the first time in my life.

Am I to believe he is more than my master?

There is no way I can ever pay back Kazhir for his kindness. But I have one gift to give.
It's broken, bruised, but slowly healing. And I’ll give it to him if he just asks.

My heart.

Author's Note: This full length monster romance has a HEA but has some dark themes.


** Trigger Warnings **

Non-Consensual, Orgy, Rape

The Naga’s Pet is book two in the Naga’s of Protheka series by Celeste King.

This book started out good. I enjoyed our hero’s family and found myself getting emotionally invested; because of how accepting and nurturing the family are. Our hero was thoughtful and caring despite the horrible life our heroine has lived.

Then around the 70% the plot takes a very alarming turn. That in and of its self isn’t bad, but this situation was momentous and the author just completely swept it under the rug once our main couple got back together. This plot twist wasn’t addressed and left hanging. The other thing that bothered me was after our hero fights for our heroine, his injuries aren’t dealt with; even though they are severe our couple jumps into bed, but how can they if he was bleeding so badly. Last, there were some issues with the writing.

Spoiler Below About Plot Twist

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The plot development came out of left field. It’s brutal, smacked you in the face, shocked, and doesn’t get addressed. The Naga King decides that he can solve the birth issue with his people by rounding up the human women, buying them and using them as breeding stock. These women have already been used, abused, and brutalized by the Orcs and Dark Elves and now we have the Naga King letting his nobles and soldiers use these women as sex slaves, not mates. These women are so disengaged and traumatized. It’s hard to read about this twist and I didn’t see this coming. We’re shown the ugly truth of the Naga people and the author lets it go with no resolution.

The plot twist killed my interest in the Naga’s of Protheka series. The Naga’s Pet started out good, but ended up not being the book for me. If the blurb intrigues you, I urge you to give it a shot. Just because it did not work for me does not mean it won’t for you.

Rated: 2.5 Stars

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I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

7 comments on “Review: The Naga’s Pet (Naga’s of Protheka #2) by Celeste King

  1. […] The Naga’s Pet was good until the 70% mark when it took an alarming turn and the author just swept it under and this needed to be address. […]

  2. The story sounds intriguing but I’m like you and things are supposed to fit the story, otherwise it throws every thing off, so I’m not sure if I will read this one or not. Thanks for sharing your review and have a magical holiday season!

    • This plot twist came out of left field. I was shocked and not expecting it. I understand if you want to skip this one. I enjoyed the first book, but the second killed the series for me, so I’ll be looking for other Naga’s to read. Thanks for stopping bye.

  3. I can take harsh situations, but it has to fit the existing story the author established and not just suddenly show up like that. Too bad the twist ruined it for you.
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Thrifty Thursday Challenge 2023My Profile

    • This twist came out of left field and was not set up, just bam. I can take some harsh situations, but like you said it has to fit the story and have maybe a little set up. Thanks for visiting!

  4. I’m a bit intrigued and love the cover. It’s nice to see an actual face instead of a headless torso on the cover.
    Mary Kirkland recently posted…Favorite Song of the WeekMy Profile

    • Thanks for visiting!