The Potentate of Atlanta, #5
Urban Fantasy - Paranormal Romance
Black Dog Books, LLC.
January 19, 2021
Kindle Unlimited

Witches are marching down the streets, shifters are prowling the night, and portals to Faerie are popping up all over downtown.
Hadley has one chance to save Atlanta, but it means trusting her dark side to get it done.
The city will survive. She'll see to that. But will her soul?
Moment of Truth is the fifth book in the Potentate of Atlanta series by Hailey Edwards.
In Moment of Truth we continue the battle with the fae coven. In the previous book, Proof of Life, we had a lot of turmoil and learning for Hadley, now we have the actual battle to fight the coven and try to settle things down.
It has a lot going on and at times felt a bit overwhelming. I felt for Hadley and the gang. I wondered if they will win and who will survive.
Hadley’s relationship with Midas is affirmed. They have trust, but they don’t want to lose each other, so they end of protecting each other more than doing what is necessary.
Ambrose is such a cool character. He ends up being a big help. There are risks allowing him to do things, but he and Hadley come to an understanding. She doesn’t full trust him and she shouldn’t, but he does show that he supports her and wants to help.
Hadley’s got a great team and they work together to take down the fae coven. We see Hadley asking for help and advice. She also thinks about all the groups and citizens in Atlanta and how she can protect and help them.
Moment of Truth wraps up the over all fae coven ARC and ends the series nicely. I do hope we get to see this group again and find out if Hadley becomes the Potentate of Atlanta instead of an apprentices.
Overall, this was another action-packed adventure full of fun characters. I highly recommend Edwards.
Rated: 4 Stars
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Sophia Rose
August 6, 2023 at 11:09 am
Love that the team is really working well together and the relationship with Ambrose is strong for Hadley. I’ll get to this spinoff series at some point.
August 9, 2023 at 1:48 pm
The author did well redeeming Hadley and growing the characters and plot. I enjoyed this series. Happy Reading!
Anne - Books of My Heart
August 3, 2023 at 12:37 pm
I enjoyed this series much more than I expected. I enjoy many books by this author.
August 3, 2023 at 1:46 pm
I’m the same as you. I enjoyed the series more than I expected too and I’ve liked many books by Edwards. She is a good writer/author to read.