Title: Kill Without Shame Series: ARES Security #2 Author: Alexandra Ivy Genre: Romantic Suspense Publisher: Zebra Release Date: December 27th 2016 Format: Paperback Pages: 352 Source: Won Advance Uncorrected Proof Five brave military heroes have survived the hell of a Taliban prison to return home—and take on civilian missions no one else can. They’re
Category Archives: ARES Security
Title: Kill Without Mercy Series: ARES Security #1 Author: Alexandra Ivy Genre: Romantic Suspense - Contemporary Romance Publisher: Zebra Release Date: December 29th 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 340 Source: Library From the hellhole of a Taliban prison to sweet freedom, five brave military heroes have made it home—and they’re ready to take on the
Kill Without Mercy ARES Security #1 By: Alexandra Ivy Released December 29, 2015 Zebra Blurb From the hellhole of a Taliban prison to sweet freedom, five brave military heroes have made it home—and they’re ready to take on the civilian missions no one else can. Individually they’re intimidating. Together they’re invincible. They’re the men