Title: Jaz's Warriors Series: Bondmates #1.5 Author: Ann Mayburn Genre: Erotic Sci-Fi Romance - Aliens - Menage Publisher: Honey Mountain Publishing Release Date: February 18th 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 114 Source: Bought While growing up in Harlem, Jaz Brooks never imagined that there would be a day where she’d have two smoking hot alien
Category Archives: Bondmates
Title: Casey's Warriors Series: Bondmates #1 Author: Ann Mayburn Genre: Erotic Sci-Fi Romance - Aliens - Menage Publisher: Honey Mountain Publishing Release Date: January 25th 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 304 Source: NetGalley Lorn Adar has searched more than a lifetime to find his bondmate--the one woman he was born to love and the only
Title: Paige's Warriors Series: Bondmates #2 Author: Ann Mayburn Genre: Erotic Sci-Fi Romance - Aliens - Menage Publisher: Honey Mountain Publishing Release Date: May 16th 2016 Format: eBook Source: ARC After a lifetime of war, Commander Trenzent has left behind the bloody battlefields of the Bel'Tan galaxy and traveled to Earth in the hopes