Title: Storm of Eon Series: Eon Warriors #7 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: January 19, 2021 Format: eBook Pages: 217 Source: Kindle Unlimited When a Terran weapons scientist finds herself the target of deadly alien assassins, only one fierce alien warrior can keep her safe. Weapons scientist Dr. Finley Delgado
Category Archives: Eon Warriors
Title: Claim of Eon Series: Eon Warriors #6 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: July 6, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 209 Source: Kindle Unlimited She’s an alien warrior dedicated to her job, but a tough, handsome Terran captain is a temptation she never expected. As a female Eon warrior, Second Commander
Title: Mark of Eon Series: Eon Warriors #5 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: December 29, 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 215 Source: Kindle Unlimited Oil and water. Fire and ice. Terran space marine and rugged alien warrior. Space marine Lieutenant Jamie Park has a reputation as tough as steel...just
Title: Kiss of Eon Series: Eon Warriors #4 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: September 22, 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 250 Source: Kindle Unlimited When the vital alliance between Earth and the Eon Empire depends on her playing war games with an arrogant, infuriating Eon warrior, what could go
Title: Heart Of Eon Series: Eon Warriors #3 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Military Fiction - Aliens Release Date: April 24th 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 213 Source: Kindle Unlimited Okay, maybe hijacking an alien commander’s warship wasn’t her best idea… Genius computer geek Wren Traynor prefers her high-tech comp lab to
Title: Touch Of Eon Series: Eon Warriors #2 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Military Fiction - Aliens Release Date: January 6th 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 216 Source: Kindle Unlimited She’ll do anything to free her sister and save the Earth from invasion, even if she’s blackmailed into stealing sacred alien artifacts…and
Title: Edge of Eon Series: Eon Warriors #1 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Military Fiction - Aliens Release Date: December 9th 2018 Format: eBook Pages: 225 Source: Kindle Unlimited Framed for a crime she didn't commit, a wrongly-imprisoned space captain's only chance at freedom is to abduct a fearsome alien war