Title: Dark and Damaged Author: Jennifer Ashley, Caris Roane Erin Kellison, Felicity Heaton, Erin Quinn, Laurie London, Bonnie Vanak, Colleen Gleason Genre: Paranormal Romance - Anthologies Publisher: FireFlower Publishing Release Date: June 15th 2015 Format: eBook Source: Bought Eight all-new, never-before-published hot paranormal romances by eight New York Times bestselling authors. Tortured alpha-male bad
Category Archives: Erin Quinn
Title: The Resurrection Of Sam Sloan Series: Beyond #2.5 Author: Erin Quinn Genre: Paranormal Romance - Ghosts Publisher: Lucky Me Publishing Release Date: July 16th 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 116 Source: Bought part of the Dark and Damaged Box Set Trapped in the body of a human, the Reaper is about to fall in
Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance Boxed Set is now available worldwide for a special introductory price of only $0.99! This ebook boxed set features all-new, never-before-published hot paranormal romances by eight New York Times and USA Today best-selling romance authors. Tortured alpha-male bad boys will ignite your darkest, most secret desires
Dark and Deadly: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance Box Set Parnormal Roamnce – Anthologies (Goodreads) Eight hot paranormal romances by New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors. Alpha-male bad boys will fulfill your darkest, most deadliest desires in these stories about shifters, werewolves, vampires, magic, special powers and other realms. But only if
The Forbidden Life of Alex Moore Parnormal Fantasy (Goodreads) Alex’s mission: Kill the hellhounds that have invaded earth and return to his home in the Beyond. But from the start, things go horribly wrong. The hounds are cunning and a human female witnesses their attack—she intervenes and saves Alex’s life. Now he must keep the