Title: Of Flame and Fury Series: Weird Girls #9; Flame #3 Author: Cecy Robson Genre: Paranormal Romance - Urban Fantasy Release Date: March 24, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 282 Source: Review Copy Taran Wird, the loudmouth mistress of flame and lightning, didn’t want to attend the formal gathering of the supernatural elite. She did
Category Archives: Flame Series
Excerpt: Of Flame of Fury I hurry in the direction Emme disappeared and find myself in another dark hall. Bren follows, his large feet stomping behind me. He’s worked up and so is Emme. God, I hate it, and hate the wedge it’s driving between us even more. Emme used to tell us everything,
Title: Dark and Damaged Author: Jennifer Ashley, Caris Roane Erin Kellison, Felicity Heaton, Erin Quinn, Laurie London, Bonnie Vanak, Colleen Gleason Genre: Paranormal Romance - Anthologies Publisher: FireFlower Publishing Release Date: June 15th 2015 Format: eBook Source: Bought Eight all-new, never-before-published hot paranormal romances by eight New York Times bestselling authors. Tortured alpha-male bad
Title: Blood Flame Series: Flame Series #1 Author: Caris Roane Genre: Paranormal Romance Release Date: June 15th 2015 Format: eBook Source: Bought part of the Dark and Damaged Box Set – Blood Flame (Flame Series 1) Vampire Officer Connor of the Crescent Border Patrol tries to suppress his desire for the powerful witch, Iris Meldeere. Because