Title: Paladin Series: Galactic Gladiators: House of Rone #4 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: March 22, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 217 Source: Bought A cyborg drowning in emotions and an abducted Earth woman trying not to feel. Abducted, enslaved, and constantly worried for her daughter, scientist Dr. Simone Li has
Category Archives: Galactic Gladiators; House of Rone
Title: Centurion Series: Galactic Gladiators; House of Rone #3 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: October 20, 2019 Format: eBook Source: Bought Rescued from her alien captors, the only person who makes her feel safe is a cold, emotionless cyborg. Abducted from her exploration ship, paramedic Sage McAlister has spent months
Title: Defender Series: Galactic Gladiators; House of Rone #2 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: August 18, 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 246 Source: Kindle Unlimited Rescued from alien slavers, the only place she feels safe is in the brawny arms of a big, gruff cyborg. Astrophysicist Dr. Jayna Lennox's
Title: Sentinel Series: Galactic Gladiators; House of Rone #1 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: July 21st 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 209 Source: Kindle Unlimited Fighting for love, loyalty, and freedom on the galaxy's lawless outer rim... When Quinn Bennett's exploration ship is attacked, the security chief finds herself