Title: Cyborg Series: Galactic Gladiators #10 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: April 1, 2018 Format: eBook Pages: 224 Source: Kindle Unlimited Scientist Ever Haynes was shocked when she was abducted by alien slavers...but the last thing she expected was to find herself pregnant with a cyborg's baby. Ever
Category Archives: Galactic Gladiators
Title: Guardian Series: Galactic Gladiators #9 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: March 4, 2018 Format: eBook Pages: 232 Source: Kindle Unlimited Rescued from alien slavers, former cop Dayna wakes to discover she's host to a powerful alien symbiont, and the only man who can help her is the
Title: Rogue: Information Rogue / Desert Rogue Series: Galactic Gladiators #8 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: November 26th 2017 Format: eBook Pages: 238 Source: Kindle Unlimited Abducted by alien slavers and taken to a lawless desert world, the last thing she expects is to be claimed by a
Title: Beast Series: Galactic Gladiators #7 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: October 29, 2017 Format: eBook Pages: 222 Source: Kindle Unlimited Abducted by alien slavers and taken to a lawless desert world, the last thing starship pilot Mia expects is to find herself in the protective, brawny arms of a
Title: Barbarian Series: Galactic Gladiators #6 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: June 26, 2017 Format: eBook Pages: 257 Source: Kindle Unlimited Abducted by alien slavers, experimented on, and left blind, the last thing doctor Winter Ashworth needs is a big barbarian gladiator in her life, especially an annoying one who
Title: Champion Series: Galactic Gladiators #5 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: March 26, 2017 Format: eBook Pages: 223 Source: Kindle Unlimited Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy's lawless outer rim... Space marine Blaine Strong enjoyed being a composed, controlled member of space station security...until he was abducted
Title: Protector Series: Galactic Gladiators #4 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: February 26, 2017 Format: eBook Pages: 218 Source: Kindle Unlimited Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy's lawless outer rim... Cool and driven Madeline Cochran made a successful career for herself as civilian commander of a space
Title: Hero Series: Galactic Gladiators, #3 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: December 4, 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 226 Source: Kindle Unlimited Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy’s lawless outer rim… Raised from birth to be a soldier, Kace Tameron is a disciplined, military-trained gladiator. He is on
Title: Warrior Series: Galactic Gladiators #2 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: November 6, 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 229 Source: Kindle Unlimited Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy's lawless outer rim... It was supposed to be an exciting job on a space station, but instead, scientist Dr. Regan
Title: Gladiator Series: Galactic Gladiators #1 Author: Anna Hackett Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: October 23rd 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 265 Source: Kindle Unlimited Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy's lawless outer rim... When Earth space marine Harper Adams finds herself abducted by alien slavers off a space station, her