Title: Dark and Damaged Author: Jennifer Ashley, Caris Roane Erin Kellison, Felicity Heaton, Erin Quinn, Laurie London, Bonnie Vanak, Colleen Gleason Genre: Paranormal Romance - Anthologies Publisher: FireFlower Publishing Release Date: June 15th 2015 Format: eBook Source: Bought Eight all-new, never-before-published hot paranormal romances by eight New York Times bestselling authors. Tortured alpha-male bad
Category Archives: Her Angel Romance
Her Sinful Angel, book eight in New York Times best-seller Felicity Heaton’s hot paranormal romance series, Her Angel, is now available in ebook and paperback. Here’s more about Her Sinful Angel, including an excerpt from this paranormal romance novel. Cast out of Heaven and now the king of Hell, Lucifer is a powerful fallen angel
Her Dark Angel Her Angel #1 Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance – Angels – Magic Published August 28th 2010 by Felicity Heaton Source: Free Goodreads – Amazon – ARe An angel trapped in Hell for centuries, Apollyon is tired of guarding the Devil. He longs to break free and feel the wind in his feathers,
Hello and Welcome All! Today I’m interviewing one of my top five favorite authors Felicity Heaton. Hello Felicity, I am so giddy to have you on my blog today. Thanks! It’s great to be here and I can’t wait to get going with the interview. It’s awesome to be in your top five too! How