Title: The Nanny and the Alien Warrior Series: Treasured by the Alien #5 Author: Honey Phillips & Bex McLynn Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: July 4, 2021 Format: eBook Pages: 204 Source: Kindle Unlimited Can an alien warrior who has given up hope find a new future with the woman and child who
Category Archives: Honey Phillips
Pets in Space 7 is a limited edition anthology with 13 brand new action packed science fiction romance stories with pets as an integral part of the action. 10% of all pre-orders and the first month’s royalties of Pets in Space 7 will be donated to the Hero-Dogs.org charity. Pets in Space 7
Title: Daughter of the Alien Warrior Series: Treasured by the Alien #3 Author: Honey Phillips & Bex McLynn Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: June 21, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 159 Source: Kindle Unlimited Can a grieving alien warrior and a desperate mother overcome their painful pasts through the shared love of a child?
Title: A Family for the Alien Warrior Series: Treasured by the Alien #4 Author: Honey Phillips & Bex McLynn Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: November 22, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 141 Source: Kindle Unlimited A grumpy alien warrior. A pregnant librarian. A ready-made family? Wanda has never hankered after excitement - or romance.
Title: A Son for the Alien Warrior Series: Treasured by the Alien #2 Author: Honey Phillips & Bex McLynn Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: December 15, 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 171 Source: Kindle Unlimited Can she create a new family with an alien warrior? On the anniversary of the disappearance of Mariah’s sister
Title: Mama and the Alien Warrior Series: Treasured by the Alien #1 Author: Honey Phillips & Bex McLynn Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: May 12th 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 188 Source: Kindle Unlimited Can a weary warrior and an abducted single mom save each other? Abby Wentworth never regretted abandoning her