Title: Mastered by Her Mates Series: Interstellar Brides, #6 Author: Grace Goodwin Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Erotica - BDSM - Menage Publisher: KSA Publishers Release Date: August 30, 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 212 Source: Freebie Amanda Bryant has been a spy for five long years, but when aliens suddenly appear claiming a deadly
Category Archives: Interstellar Brides
RELEASE BLITZ Title: The Commanders’ Mate Series: Interstellar Brides #15 Author: Grace Goodwin Genre: Sci-Fi Romance Release Date: March 21, 2019 Commander Karter is a Prillon Warrior. His first duty is to protect his people, to defend the Coalition worlds from a fate too terrible to comprehend. Battle is his life. His heart. He fights.
Her Viken Mates Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program, Book #11 July 20, 2017 Isabella Martinez was always good at rebelling, against her parents, her school, her boyfriends. She had needs no one could meet, desires so dark no one could tame her. When her wild side gets her in trouble with the law, she doesn’t
Top 5 Reasons Star Wars Rocked My World I blame Star Wars. You heard me. I fell in love with Han Solo when I was seven, and I never moved on. He had the coolest best friend ever, a smart mouth, that cheeky grin, and despite his best efforts, just couldn’t make himself walk away
Top Ten Reasons to be matched to an Atlan Warlord by Grace Goodwin Have you ever just really needed a change? New job? New friends? New LIFE? Tiffani Wilson feels that way. She’s worked as a waitress for the last few years, her boss is a jerk and she can’t seem to lose those