Title: Dragon Unbound Series: Dragon Falls #4 Author: Katie MacAlister Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Self Published Release Date: December 6th 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 119 Source: Bought If you release the dragon… Being the First Dragon, a mysterious demi-god who created the dragon race, certainly isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Sure, he’s
Category Archives: Katie MacAlister
Title: Dragon Soul Series: Dragon Falls #3 Author: Katie MacAlister Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Forever Release Date: March 29, 2016 Format: eBook/Paperback Pages: 368 Source: Library NOTHING BURNS HOTTER . . . Sophea Long knows that escorting her octogenarian client to Europe will be an adventure. Mrs. P has a habit of stealing anything
Title: The Undead In My Bed Series: Dark Ones #10.5; Half-Moon Hollow #2.5; Midnight Liaisons #1.5 Author: Katie MacAlister, Molly Harper, & Jessica Sims Genre: Paranormal Romance - Anthologies Publisher: Pocket Books Release Date: September 25th 2012 Format: eBook/Paperback Pages: 408 Source: Library A sizzling vampire romance anthology featuring enticing novellas from beloved and
Title: Dragon Storm Series: Dragon Falls #2 Author: Katie MacAlister Genre: Paranormal Romance - Urban Fantasy - Supernatural Publisher: Forever Release Date: November 24th 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 336 Source: Library TURN ON THE CHARM According to some (including himself), Constantine is one of the greatest heroes of dragonkin who ever lived. Too bad
“I wanted to know what it feels like to be a dragon.” “I told you—it feels powerful.” “Yes, but there has to be more to it than that. When you were around the other dragons, you were all caveman protective and acting like an adorable but enraging man. With the monster, you were pure heroic,
Title: Dragon Fall Series: Dragon Falls #1 Author: Katie MacAlister Genre: Paranormal Romance - Urban Fantasy - Dragons Publisher: Forever Release Date: July 28th 2015 Format: Paperback Pages: 352 Source: Won copy from Hachette Book Group via Goodreads YOU FLIRT WITH FIRE... For Aoife Dakar, seeing is believing-and she's seen some extraordinary things. It's