Title: Captured for the Alien Bride Lottery Series: Khanavai Warrior Bride Games, #2 Author: Margo Bond Collins Genre: Science Fiction Romance Publisher: Dangerous Words Publishing Release Date: October 31, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 188 Source: Kindle Unlimited I refused to be in the Bride Lottery—so now I’m a runaway bride. Somehow, I knew my
Category Archives: Khanavai Warrior Bride Games
Review: Captured for the Alien Bride Lottery (Khanavai Warrior Bride Games #2) by Margo Bond Collins
Title: Entered in the Alien Bride Lottery Series: Khanavai Warrior Bride Games #1 Author: Margo Bond Collins Genre: Science Fiction Romance Publisher: Dangerous Words Publishing Release Date: September 4, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 154 Source: Freebie There are a million ways to end up in the Alien Bride Lottery. But it takes only one.