Title: Ruwen Series: Mated To The Alien # Author: Kate Rudolph & Starr Huntress Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: December 7, 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 227 Source: Freebie He'll be dead by his next birthday if he doesn't find his mate... Dead alien walking... Ruwen NaNaran knows he's a goner. His
Category Archives: Mated To The Alien
Detyens are doomed to die at the age of thirty if they don’t find their fated mates in time. Enjoy fated mates, steamy alphas, and plenty of space adventures. Braxtyn Mated to the Alien #8 by Kate Rudolph Genre: SciFi Romance She’s hunting a bounty, not a mate… Vita Minnick has one job:
Shayn by Kate Rudolph & Starr Huntress Publication date: August 13th 2019 Genres: Adult, Romance, Science Fiction Synopsis: Shayn NaZade is looking for answers… A Detyen father and Oscavian mother have left Shayn wondering whether he and his brothers will be forced to pay the Denya Price. Unamted Detyens die on their thirtieth birthdays,