Title: Numbers Series: New Species #14 Author: Laurann Dohner Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance Release Date: September 18, 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 473 Source: Gift Won *** THIS IS A RERELEASE OF A PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED BOOK *** 140 Dana is visiting Homeland when she meets a New Species who tugs at her heartstrings. As a
Category Archives: New Species
Smiley New Species #13 Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance – Shapeshifters – Sci-Fi Published October 28th 2014 by Laurann Dohner Source: Library Goodreads – Amazon Vanni is furious when her fiancé tricks her into attending a conference where his father’s church is protesting the New Species Organization. She hates everything those vile bigots
Darkness New Species #12 Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance – Sci-Fi Published September 23rd 2014 by Laurann Dohner Source: Library Goodreads – Amazon Kat’s boss wants dirt on the NSO. She is sent to Homeland undercover but everything goes wrong as soon as she enters the front gates. She is arrested by a big,
Fury New Species #1 Genre: Erotic – Paranormal Romance – Sci-Fiction Published July 27th 2011 By: Laurann Dohner Source: Library Blurb: Ellie is horrified to discover the pharmaceutical company she works for is doing illegal experiments. Company scientists have spliced human and animal DNA, creating exotic new species. One such “experiment” captures her heart and
True Erotic Paranormal Romance – 18+ Adult (Goodreads) Jeanie loves a New Species and is willing to pay for that love with pain, tears and heartbreak. She’ll do anything to keep 710 alive but she never wants him to know how she suffered for him. He’s the reason for her mission in life—freeing others
Moon Erotica Paranormal Romance – 18+ Adult (Goodreads) Dr. Joyce Yards has never met anyone as irresistible as 466. Their therapy sessions are growing hotter, his raw sexual hunger becoming aggressive, and he refuses to discuss anything except the possibility of getting her naked. Joy understands the dire consequences if she indulges her passion. It will
Shadow Erotica Paranormal Romance – 18+ Adult (goodreads) Beauty resents being labeled Gift Species. Everyone is way too overprotective, males aren’t even allowed to speak to her and so far true freedom eludes her. Then a big, sexy Species officer mistakes her for the enemy and takes her to the ground. Shadow is dumbfounded.
Obsidian Erotica Paranormal Romance – Adult 18+ (Goodreads) Book 8 in the New Species series. The books can be read as stand-alone stories, but it is advisable to read them in order to get the most enjoyment from the series. Dr. Allison Baker is obsessed with saving the comatose New Species male. She has tried everything
Tiger Paranormal Romance – Erotica – 18+ Adult (Goodreads) Zandy’s had too much to drink and is in the wrong place at the wrong time. She knows she’s going to die. When her eyes open again, a beautiful man-creature is holding her in his arms. He is just too tempting to resist—her fallen angel. She
Brawn Paranormal Romance – Erotica – 18+ Adult (Goodreads) One look at Brawn and Becca is wondering how he’d look without his clothes. Brawn is instantly attracted to Becca but has sworn never to touch a human female. They just aren’t sturdy enough and he likes his sex a little rough. He is shocked to learn
Valiant Paranormal Romance – Erotica – 18+ Adult (Goodreads) Tammy has always tried to be prepared for any calamity life might send her way but she never imagined a sexy, lion man-beast in her future. He’s huge, got the most exotic, golden cat-eyes she’s ever seen, and she’s so terrified she’s speechless for the first time