Title: A Taste for a Mate Series: Redwood Pack, #1 Author: Carrie Ann Ryan (Narrator: Gregory Salinas) Genre: Paranormal Romance Release Date: September 5, 2014 Format: Audiobook Pages: 7 hours and 24 minutes Source: Audible Romance Package Jasper Jameson has spent his life caring for others, knowing that one day he might be blessed
Category Archives: Redwood Pack
CARRIE ANN RYAN’S REDWOOD PACK NOW AVAILABLE The Redwood Pack has protected their own for centuries, but when a rival Pack of shifters summons a demon to alter the climate of the entire battle and their fates, the Redwoods will have to come together or make the greatest sacrifice of all. An Alpha’s Path
The Bestselling Redwood Pack continues with the Talon Pack series. Expected publication: August 18th 2015 A Broken Wolf. A Fractured Bond. A Fate Denied. Brynn Brentwood has spent the whole of her life protecting the Talon Pack through terrors only she will ever know. She’s never asked for more in life other than to live