Title: It's A Wonderful Midlife Crisis Series: Good to the Last Death #1 Author: Robyn Peterman Genre: Paranormal Romance - Urban Fantasy Release Date: February 16, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 394 Source: Complimentary Copy A Paranormal Women's Fiction with a bit of class, and a lot of sass, for anyone who feels like age
Category Archives: Robyn Peterman
It’s a Wonderful Midlife Crisis Good To the Last Death Book 1 by Robyn Peterman Genre: Paranormal Women’s Fiction A Paranormal Women’s Fiction with a bit of class, and a lot of sass, for anyone who feels like age is just a number! Whoever said life begins at forty must have been heavily medicated,
13 Brand New Stories by 13 Fabulous Author At one Awesome low price of 99 CENTS!! Romancing The Paranormal Box Set by Stephanie Rowe, Robyn Peterman, Victoria Danann, Kym Grosso, Dakota Cassidy, Claudy Conn, Teresa Gabelman, Melanie James, Gena D. Lutz, D’Elen McClain, Julia Mills, Brandy L. Rivers, and Cynthia St. Aubin Release