Title: Bound by Magic Series: The Baine Chronicles #2 Author: Jasmine Walt Genre: Paranormal Romance - Urban Fantasy - Steampunk Publisher: Dynamo Press Release Date: March 10, 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 222 Source: Kindle Unlimited With the silver murders solved and her training as a mage underway, Sunaya figured her life would get easier.
Category Archives: The Baine Chronicles
Title: Burned by Magic Series: The Baine Chronicles #1 Author: Jasmine Walt Genre: Urban Fantasy - Paranormal Romance - Steampunk Publisher: Dynamo Press Release Date: December 24, 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 239 Source: Freebie In the city of Solantha, mages rule absolute, with shifters considered second-class citizens and humans something in between. No one