Title: Brash Series: The Cavanaugh Brothers #3 Author: Laura Wright Genre: Contemporary Romance - Western Romance - Romantic Suspense Publisher: Berkley Release Date: March 3rd 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 384 Source: NetGalley The New York Times bestselling author of the Cavanaugh Brothers novels returns to the Cavanaugh’s Texas Triple C ranch as the brothers confront the
Category Archives: The Cavanaugh Brothers
Broken (The Cavanaugh Brothers #2) by Laura Wright The Cavanaugh brothers left behind River Black, Texas, long ago. But after their father dies, bequeathing them the Triple C, a cattle ranch that sustains their small town, they return—and confront the painful memories of their childhood home and the truth about their sister’s murder…For years, James Cavanaugh
Broken The Cavanaugh Brothers #2 by Laura Wright Contemporary Romance – Cowboys Release Date: Oct. 7, 2014 Source: NetGalley The Cavanaugh brothers left behind River Black, Texas, long ago. But after their father dies, bequeathing them the Triple C, a cattle ranch that sustains their small town, they return—and confront the painful memories of their
Branded Contemporary Western Romance In the small town of River Black, Texas, sits the Triple C—a working cattle ranch that sustains the town. But it also holds painful memories and shocking secrets for the Cavanaugh brothers…When the Cavanaugh brothers return home for their father’s funeral, they discover unexpected evidence of the old man’s surprising double