Title: Dashing Through the Stars Series: The Ujal #5, Dragons of Preor #0.5 Author: Celia Kyle as Erin Tate Genre: Science Fiction Paranormal Release Date: December 1, 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 77 Source: Bought The holidays are a time of love, joy, and… meeting a new alien species? Prince of the Ujal, Tave fa
Category Archives: The Ujal
Title: Erun Series: The Ujal #4 Author: Celia Kyle as Erin Tate Genre: Science Fiction Paranormal Release Date: August 20, 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 234 Source: Bought He’s an Ujal who knows he’ll never have a mate. She’s a human who doesn’t want to take another chance on love. One small child doesn’t give
Title: Rhal Series: The Ujal #3 Author: Celia Kyle as Erin Tate Genre: Science Fiction Paranormal Release Date: June 19, 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 217 Source: Bought Sometimes a lie is the only way to get to the truth. Rhal fa Adar—Ujal assassin—is a liar and Cara is more than ready to beat the
Title: Tave Series: The Ujal #2 Author: Celia Kyle as Erin Tate Genre: Science Fiction Paranormal Release Date: April 3, 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 289 Source: Bought Rina Zeret is not prepared to settle down. At least, not with a genetically selected mate. She wants true love and a happily ever after. Unfortunately, her
Title: Vados Series: The Ujal #1 Author: Celia Kyle as Erin Tate Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Erotica Release Date: February 25, 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 60 Source: Bought A human woman, a tail-sporting alien, and a deadly hurricane… of course they’re going to hook up! Or rather, they did hook up. But that