Title: Night of Jinxes Series: Moonlight Dragon Author: Tricia Owen Genre: Urban Fantasy - Short Story Release Date: October 25th 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 31 Source: Authors Newsletter When a spooky, disembodied voice in Moonlight Pawn threatens to kill Anne Moody, she's angry and annoyed. She doesn't have time for this! But if she
Category Archives: Tricia Owens
Title: Descended from Dragons Series: Moonlight Dragon, #1 Author: Tricia Owens Genre: Urban Fantasy - Paranormal Publisher: Tricia Owens Release Date: May 12, 2016 Format: eBook Pages: 218 Source: NetGalley ARC To save Sin City, she must battle Hell. Too bad the odds are against her. Beneath the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas
After silently parting the bead curtain I paused just at the threshold, listening. The shop was spooky enough without the lights on thanks to all the strange silhouettes, but knowing that half the objects were also cursed gave me another reason to shiver as I panned my gaze over the place. Tick tick tick