Title: Alien Paladin's Redemption Series: Warriors of the Lathar #13 Author: Mina Carter Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: July 28, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 330 Source: Bought She knew aliens existed. She didn’t expect them to be so damn HOT! Indra has survived the worst human society can throw at her. Being rescued
Category Archives: Warriors of the Lathar
Title: Hitched to the Alien General Series: Warriors of the Lathar #8 Author: Mina Carter Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: June 18, 2019 Format: ebook Pages: 296 Source: Bought Her perfect man is a big, scarred alien war hero. Pity he only see’s her as a warrior, not a woman... Kenna Reynolds loves
Title: Bonded To The Alien Centurion Series: Warriors of the Lathar #7 Author: Mina Carter Genre: Science Fiction Romance Release Date: February 26, 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 256 Source: Bought She’s behind enemy lines. Being claimed by an alien warrior is not on her agenda. When talks with the Lathar start to fail Dani
Title: Alien Commander's Mate Series: Warriors of the Lathar #6 Author: Mina Carter Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Erotica Release Date: August 28, 2018 Format: eBook Pages: 124 Source: Bought Warring aliens destroyed her home, with her in it. Now she’s married to one... Alone, ill, and with nothing left to tie her to
Title: Alien Healer’s Baby Series: Warriors of the Lathar #4 Author: Mina Carter Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Short Story Release Date: March 13, 2018 Format: eBook Pages: 42 Laarn, Lord Healer of the Lathar, is about to become something unique among his people. He’s about to become a father… of a little girl.
Title: Pregnant by the Alien Healer Series: Warriors of the Lathar #3 Author: Mina Carter Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: September 22, 2017 Format: eBook Pages: 288 Source: Bought She’s pregnant without nookie. Someone slap her ass and call her Mary… A ‘guest’ of the Lathar, Jess has become used to
Title: Claiming Her Alien Warrior Series: Warriors of the Lathar #2 Author: Mina Carter Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: September 29, 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 214 Source: Bought She’s his… she just doesn’t know it yet. Karryl K’Vass has wanted the human woman, Jane, from the moment he saw her. But
Title: Alien Lord's Captive Series: Warriors of the Lathar #1 Author: Mina Carter Genre: Science Fiction Romance - Aliens Release Date: August 31, 2015 Format: eBook Pages: 230 Source: Bought Earth girls might be popular...but they're definitely not easy. Sergeant Cat Moore has a little problem. Well, actually a big problem... When her base