Title: The Alien's Ransom Series: Drixonian Warrior, #1 Author: Ella Maven Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: February 24, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 266 Source: Kindle Unlimited "Nothing in my life had prepared me for extraterrestrial motorcycle clubs." Frankie: I thought alien abductions only happened in movies. But here I am on a
Tag Archives: Erotic Romance
Title: Hunted by the Alien Assassin Series: Mates of the Kaluma, #1 Author: Ella Maven Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: July 16, 2021 Format: eBook Pages: 188 Source: Freebie I always take out my target… until her. Bosa: I have many talents and they’re all for hire. My best skill is hunting
Title: Wray Series: Tornians, #2 Author: M.K. Eidem Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: August 30, 2014 Format: eBook Pages: 370 Source: Bought Emperor Wray Vasteri was the ruler of the Tornian Empire. His House has ruled the Empire ever since the great infection, which struck over five hundred years ago and he
Title: Grim Series: Tornians, #1 Author: M.K. Eidem Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: August 30, 2013 Format: eBook Pages: 438 Source: Bought King Grim Vasteri is the most feared warrior in the Tornian Empire. He has been sent by his Emperor to find and retrieve compatible females for their dying civilization. King
Title: Flor's Fiasco Series: Icehome, #16 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: August 28, 2022 Format: eBook Pages: 260 Source: Kindle Unlimited I'm not supposed to resonate to him. It's been a few years since I've landed here on Icehome Beach, and as resonance after resonance dwindled the list of
Title: Daisy's Decision Series: Icehome, #15 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: June 4, 2022 Format: eBook Pages: 259 Source: Kindle Unlimited I fear I've made a mistake. I left a pampered life and a loveless relationship to live on an icy, primeval world, all for the promise of a
Title: Sam's Secret Series: Icehome, #14 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: September 10, 2021 Format: eBook Pages: 256 Source: Kindle Unlimited Life has taught me that I can't trust anyone. Not friends, not family. In the worst, darkest moments, no one can be counted on to have your back.
Title: Steph's Outcast Series: Icehome, #13 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: July 10, 2021 Format: eBook Pages: 270 Source: Kindle Unlimited Ever since we found the two Outcasts, it’s been my goal to get them to join our beach tribe. Handsome, impossible Juth has resisted all my efforts to
Title: Bridget's Bane Series: Icehome, #12 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: December 16, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 352 Source: Kindle Unlimited A’tam is the worst. Sure, he’s the prettiest man on the beach, but he’s a terrible listener. I’ve told him a dozen times that we’re not compatible -
Title: Raven's Return Series: Icehome, #11 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: August 27, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 260 Source: Kindle Unlimited No one ever comes back for me. I’ve always been on my own, and why should it be any different on an ice planet? So when I’m kidnapped
Title: Mari's Mistake Series: Icehome, #10 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: July 19, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 211 Source: Kindle Unlimited I’ve ruined everything. I had a mate. Resonance. Happiness. But then T’chai’s attacked by ravenous sky-claw and almost killed. To help him recover, I tell the healer to
Title: Penny's Protector Series: Icehome, #9 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: December 5, 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 262 Source: Kindle Unlimited S’bren doesn’t realize what a mess he’s stepping in when he steals me away. He just wants to resonate. Sweet, right? But his methods are all wrong and
Title: Callie's Catastrophe Series: Icehome #8 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: November 4, 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 270 Source: Kindle Unlimited What’s a bigger disaster than being stranded on an ice planet with a bunch of aliens, never to return home? Resonating to the biggest jerk of all those
Title: Nadine's Champion Series: Icehome #7 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: October 3, 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 214 Source: Kindle Unlimited Of all the men on the Icehome beach, Thrand's the most competitive and most aggravating. He's cocky. Arrogant. Turns everything into a rivalry. He's a pain in the
Title: Devi's Distraction Series: Icehome #6 Author: Ruby Dixon Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Release Date: April 29, 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 254 Source: Kindle Unlimited It's hard to make friends with the other women at the Icehome camp when you'd rather be dissecting the local fauna. Which is why I'm surprised when one