Title: Blood Lines (World of the Lupi, #3) by Eileen Wilks Series: World of the Lupi, #3 Author: Eileen Wilks Genre: Urban Fantasy - Paranormal Romance Publisher: Graphic Audio Release Date: October 26, 2020 Format: Audiobook Pages: 6 hours and 27 minutes Source: Library Touch-sensitive FBI Agent Lily Yu is recruited by the Secret
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Title: Mortal Danger Series: World of the Lupi, #2 Author: Eileen Wilks Genre: Urban Fantasy - Paranormal Romance Publisher: Graphic Audio Release Date: October 23, 2020 Format: Audiobook Pages: 8 hours and 5 minutes Source: Library Former cop Lily Yu has her sister's wedding to attend, a missing magical staff to find, and now
Title: Tempting Danger Series: World of the Lupi, #1 Author: Eileen Wilks Genre: Urban Fantasy - Paranormal Romance Publisher: GraphicAudio Release Date: October 27, 2020 Format: Audiobook Pages: 7 hours and 36 minutes Source: Library Love The USA Today bestselling author tempts success in this stunning debut novel. National bestselling author Eileen Wilks draws readers into
Title: Death and Relaxation Series: Ordinary Magic, #1 Author: Devon Monk Genre: Urban Fantasy - Paranormal Mystery Publisher: Graphic Audio Release Date: October 17, 2020 Format: Audiobook Pages: 6 hours, 45 minutes Source: Library Monsters, gods, and mayhem.... Police Chief Delaney Reed can handle the Valkyries, werewolves, gill-men and other paranormal creatures who call
Earth is the Atlanta Airport of the Galaxy. Situated on the crossroads of wormholes and dimensional gateways, it caters to the variety of visitors from the Great Beyond looking for a rest stop on the way to elsewhere. They arrive in secret and stay in specialized inns, where innkeepers endowed with extraordinary powers cater