ARC Review: Ride Rough (Raven Riders #2) by Laura Kaye {Tour} ~ Excerpt

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Ride Rough Book Cover Ride Rough
Raven Riders #2
Laura Kaye
Contemporary Romance
April 25th 2017


Brotherhood. Club. Family.
They live and ride by their own rules.
These are the Raven Riders...

Maverick Rylan won’t apologize for who he is—the Raven Riders Motorcycle Club Vice-President, a sought-after custom bike builder, and a man dedicated to protecting those he loves. So when he learns that the only woman who has ever held his heart is in trouble, he’ll move heaven and earth to save her.

Alexa Harmon thought she had it all—the security of a good job, a beautiful home, and a powerful, charming fiancé who offered the life she never had growing up. But when her dream quickly turns into a nightmare, Alexa realizes she’s fallen for a façade she can’t escape—until sexy, dangerous Maverick offers her a way out.

Forced together to keep Alexa safe, their powerful attraction reignites and Maverick determines to do whatever it takes to earn a second chance—one Alexa is tempted to give. But her ex-fiancé isn’t going to let her go without a fight, one that will threaten everything they both hold dear.



[su_box title=”Excerpt Ride Rough:” style=”soft” box_color=”#e1b216″ title_color=”#000000″]

“What am I going to do? My entire life is wrapped up in him. My job. Where I live. My car. Where Mom lives. Everything. Oh, God. This is going to be a nightmare, isn’t it?”

Maverick grasped Alexa’s hands. “One thing at a time. You’re out. You can stay here as long as you need to. I have plenty of room. I’ll help you through it. That’ll give you time to figure out what it is you want. There’s no rush.

“Okay,” she said. “Okay. God, thank you.” A shiver raced over her skin.

“You don’t have to thank me. I’m so relieved for you that I might fall the fuck over,” he said, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles. She almost managed a little smile. “Your hands are like ice, Al. I shouldn’t have made you stand her all this time when you’re soaking wet.”

Alexa shook her head. “It felt good to get it out, Maverick.”

“Glad to hear it. Would a hot shower make you feel better? I can find you a T-shirt and a pair of boxers to change into while your clothes dry.”

All the TLC and understanding he was giving her reached right inside her chest. When was the last time someone had taken care of her this way?

The last time you were with Maverick. The truth of that thought made her breath catch. “Yeah. I’d like that,” she managed.

He gave a tight nod and stepped back, and she missed his heat immediately. “Uh, good. That’s good. You remember your way around?”

“Of course,” she said. How much time had she spent here over the years? Even before they dated? At one point, Maverick’s place had practically been a second home.

“You okay?” he asked, watching her.

She pushed off the door. “I don’t know yet,” she said, coming to him. “But what I do know is how grateful I am to you. For everything. For being there when I told you not to. For listening. For just . . . being you.”

“Always.” He crossed his big arms and ducked his chin, like something about the exchange made him uncomfortable.

“I mean it,” she said, and then she pressed onto tiptoes and kissed his cheek, his stubble tickling her lips. “You saved me tonight.”

“No,” he said, eyes flashing, one brow arched. “You saved yourself, Al. I was just your getaway driver.”

Staring into one another’s eyes, the tender moment stretched out, morphed, suddenly flashed hot. Being so close to him set her body on fire, and finally she could actually consider acting on it. Need roared through her, a living, breathing thing. “Maverick,” she whispered.

“Fuck, Alexa, I think you better go take that shower,” he said, his jaw ticking. “Now.”

She released a shaky breath and nodded. He was right. Of course, he was.

So, showering. She could handle that. Afterward, God only knew what she was going to do.[/su_box]

Ride Rough is book two in the Raven Riders series by Laura Kaye. I loved this one.

Maverick and Alexa have a past, but they or I should say she broke it off. She just wasn’t ready and of course she’s moved own. Now she’s engaged to a man she thinks will give her everything she ever wanted. Maverick made a vow to watch over Alexa whether she is in his life or not. These two might just find a second chance.

WOW, it’s hard to read about abuse, of any kind, on anyone. The author vividly portrayed what was going on with Alexa, what she was thinking, and feeling. You can see and feel the abuse, but Alexa is not yet ready to see the signs, but when she does things get complicated; because her fiancé, Grant, has made it so her life is all wrapped up in his and their is no easy way out. 

Maverick is such a sweet guy. I loved him. When he gets his chance to be with Alexa again he doesn’t push. He is just their to help and maybe; become something more, if they can discuss the past and keep her safe. 

Their was just so much tenderness, passion, and warmth in this novel. I love the Raven Riders. They are a protective bunch and will do what they can to help Alexa out. The feelings Maverick and Alexa have for each other are deep and intense. The past was never resolved and they both have carried a torch for each other, even now, when they both tried to move on in their lives. 

Two things that really stood out and made this one fun, sexy, and entertaining where the carnival and the sex scene on Maverick’s bike. Who can resist a splendidly well written sex scene on a motorcycle. Oh boy, it was hot and so sexy. The carnival was adorable and delightful. It was so great that the Raven Riders had this idea to put together a carnival to bring back business after the events in Ride Hard. The carnival brought back many memories from when I was a kid and all the fun times me and my friends had at the fair. It was well done and everyone had such fun. 

The more I dive into the Rave Riders series the more I fall in love with the world, the club, and their ladies. I’m excited for Ride Wild, because it’s finally Cora’s turn. I’ve wanted her story since the moment she popped up in Ride Hard as Haven’s best friend. 

Rated: 4 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Avon via Edelweiss with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

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Challenge(s): Pick Your Genre (Con) | New Release (2017)




Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense, including the Hard Ink and upcoming Raven Riders series. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.


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I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

9 comments on “ARC Review: Ride Rough (Raven Riders #2) by Laura Kaye {Tour} ~ Excerpt

  1. […] Check out my review for Ride Rough. […]

  2. Lovely review. I have had a blast with this book as well. I just love this MC Kaye has written here. I loved the carnival scene too, and the bathtub with the cat was hilarious. I do think this author writes some of the best sex scenes, that don’t overshadow the romance.
    Lover Of Romance recently posted…Book Review-Ride Rough by Laura KayeMy Profile

    • I agree with you on the sex scenes and romance. I laughed during the bathtub with the cat. Great scene ^_^. It has been fun all for this series. I wasn’t sure when I started, but now I excited for the next and hope my excitement stays. Thank’s for checking out my review and tour stop!

  3. This sounds fantastic, Angela! I love it when tough alpha men are the best at giving TLC and support 🙂 Alex sounds like a character I’d enjoy too, so I guess I need to add this series to my TBR 🙂
    Great review, and thanks for sharing the excerpt.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Review: Rock F*ck Club – Michelle MankinMy Profile

    • Glad you found my review helpful. I was pleasant surprised with how well I’m enjoying the series. Contemporary Romance is not my first pick, but I do enjoy a great bicker romance. I loved the second chance between Maverick and Alex. I hope you enjoy! Thank’s for stoping in. ^_^

  4. I really enjoyed this book! It was my first Laura Kaye read and I was hooked!
    Samantha recently posted…Midnight Target by Elle Kennedy: ReviewMy Profile

    • Wonderful! ^_^

  5. I haven’t read a contemporary in awhile, but this one really grabs me. Definitely going on the TBR!
    Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict recently posted…Book Tag ~ I NeverMy Profile

    • I wasn’t to sure about the books in the series, but the cover and blurbs for the books graded me. I enjoyed book one, but two really graded me. Now I want to read Ride Rough again and can’t wait for Ride Wild.