Top 10 of 2017: Best New To Me of 2017

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Hosted by: Two Chicks On Books



Today I’m kicking of with the Best New To Me of 2017. These are new to me authors, series and/or books that I read in 2017. I’ve discovered a bunch of new authors and series this year.



Here are my picks for Best New To Me of 2017

How to Save an Undead Life (Beginner’s Guide to Necromancy #1) by Hailey Edwards – New To Me Series
Destined to Crave (Descended of Guardians, #1) by Setta Jay – New To Me Series
Danger’s Halo (Holly Danger #1) by Amanda Carlson – New To Me Series
How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced, #1) by Kerrelyn Sparks – New To Me Series
Rough & Tumble (Haven Brotherhood, #1) by Rhenna Morgan – New To Me Author/Series
Irresistible Force (K-9 Rescue #1) by D.D. Ayres – New To Me Author/Series
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter (Nava Katz, #1) by Deborah Wilde – New To Me Author/Series
Own the Wind by Kristen Ashley – New To Me Author
Skinwalker (Jane Yellowrock, #1) by Faith Hunter – New To Me Author/Series
The Black Lily (Vampire Blood, #1) by Juliette Cross – New To Me Series


Who where some of your Best New To Me of 2017?


Winners choice of one of my picks from The Top 10 Best New To Me Of 2017. You can choose eBook or Paperback. The giveaway is international, as long as The Book Depository ships there free of charge (find that out here!) And, if you are a US winner, I will most likely ship from Amazon – because it will be there for you sooner! If you prefer, an eCopy I will send a Kindle or Nook edition. (Please note: You may only chose ONE of these options!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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In case you missed it:

  •  Monday, December 25th – Best Books I’ve Read in 2017 + #Giveaway
  • Tuesday, December 26th – Best Book Covers of 2017 + #Giveaway


Coming up the rest of the week:

Thursday, December 28th – Best Book Boyfriends/Girlfriends of 2017 (MUST be from a book released in 2017 and from a book you’ve READ in 2017)

Friday, December 29th – Top 10 Books I’m looking forward to in 2018. (This list should be comprised of books released ONLY in 2018)


I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

Category: Yearly Top 10 | Tags:

68 comments on “Top 10 of 2017: Best New To Me of 2017

  1. Happy New Years :):) I read Desolate by Amy Miles, it was a dark read but I was intrigued.

  2. I read Kristen Ashley for the first time this year! Breathe was the first one I chose to read and I really liked it.

  3. Happy New Year. I am looking forward to If You Knew Her by Emily Elgar

    • Thank’s for sharing!

  4. L.E. Perez, M.D. Cooper, Jaye Wells and Gail Z. Martin.

    • Thank you for sharing some of your new to me’s for 2017.

  5. I really enjoyed The Thief’s Daughter by Jeff Wheeler (working on the whole series) and Throne of Glass by Sarah Maas!! I love your list. I am putting How to save an Undead Life at the top of my TBR list for 2018. Thanks!!

    • Thank’s for sharing some of your new to me’s.

  6. I’d have to add Unraveling Destiny by Amelia Hutchins to that list!

    • Thank’s for sharing!

  7. I discovered Margaret Mallory and I’m so happy I did!

    • Thank’s for sharing a new to me of 2017.

  8. Best New To Me Of 2017 is Kristen Ashley. I read many of her books.

    • That’s wonderful. Thank’s for sharing a new to me of 2017.

  9. Toss up between Samantha McCoy and Grace Brennan

    • Thank’s for sharing some of your New To Me’s in 2017

  10. Edge of the New World series by Lynn Sholes & The Experiment in Terror series by Karina Halle.

    • Thank’s for sharing some of your New To Me’s in 2017.

  11. “Who were some of your Best New To Me Of 2017?” I was thrilled to discover Junji Ito, with his scary graphic novels!

    • Thank you for sharing one of your new to me’s that you enjoyed.

  12. I think most of my reads this year were new authors actually! So that was refreshing. The one I enjoyed the most and will definitely read more of was Dahlia Adler.

    • Thank you for sharing one of your new to me’s that you really enjoyed.

  13. A new author to me was Dawn Kurtagich. I have read several of her books since finding The Dead House. I really liked the realistic views of her stories 🙂

    • Glad you enjoyed your new author that you discovered in 2017. Thank you for sharing!

  14. Great list! Chanel Cleeton was new to me this year. I’ve heard of some but not all. I read Fly With Me and was blown away!

    • I’ve got Chanel Cleeton on my TBR. I’ve heard great things about Fly With Me too. Thank’s for sharing a New To Me for 2017.

  15. Christina Lauren (Roomies) and Emma Doherty – she’s a new author, has 2 books out, Beastly Alex Finn.

    • Thank’s for sharing some of your new to me’s of 2017.

  16. Nice picks! I’ve enjoyed Ayres and Sparks quite a bit 🙂 A couple of the others are on my list as well. JT Geissinger was my favorite “new” author this year 🙂 Thanks, Angela!

    • I had fun with the New To Me Challenge. I tried so many different authors, genres, and books/series. It’s fun to discover New Things. Thank’s for sharing some of your New To Me’s of 2017.

  17. This year I discovered: Ilsa Madden Mills with her Spider and Stephanie Walls with her Unexpected Arrivals and Michele Barlow and Staring Over

    • Thank you for sharing some of your new to me’s.

  18. This year I discovered Clive Cussler, Jill Shalvis, and Carolyn Brown.

    • Wonderful authors. I have Shalvis on my TBR to try. Thank’s for sharing some of your new to me.

  19. Bec McMaster’s London Steampunk series.

    • Thank’s for sharing your pick for Best New To Me of 2017.

  20. The whole YA historical fiction genre!

    • Thank you for sharing your Best New To Me for 2017.

  21. I finally gave Kristen Ashley a try this year. I really like her new erotica series. I need to go back and read/listen to her backlist.

    Glad to you see you’ve tried Faith Hunter. I need to catch up Jane’s series. I’m a couple behind.

    • I’m still working my way through Faith Hunter’s Jane Yellowrock series. I only got to the one for Ashley, but plan to read more. Thank’s for stopping in.

  22. One of the best new to me in 2017 was the Elemental Assassins series by Jennifer Estep the books read real quick for me because I started the first book in November and finished the 16th last week. I also really liked the first two books in the Kingmaker Chronicles by Amanda Bouchet.

    • Oh Elemental Assassins series by Estep is on my TBR to try out. Bouchet is great. I can’t wait for the last one that is coming less then a week away. Thank’s for stopping in and sharing.

  23. May Sage and Susan Stoker are two new authors that I’m really enjoying.

    • I picked up Ms. Stoker this year too. She’s enjoyable. Haven’t read Sage. Thank’s for sharing your Best New To Me of 2017.

  24. I’d pick Scythe by Neal Shusterman 🙂

    • Thank’s for sharing!

  25. Oh Kerrelyn Sparks was new to me this year as well and I was BLOWN AWAY!

    • I was surprisingly surprised by her new series this year. I’ve read her before, but this series I wasn’t sure if I’d like, yet I’m loving each book and can’t wait for the Dragon release this year.

  26. Great picks Angela!!! My picks are Juliette Cross,Rachel l.Demeter,and Rachael Slate ! Shared on all my socials!!

    • Thank’s for sharing some of your favorites in the Best New To Me.

  27. wonder woman

    • Thank’s for sharing.

  28. Shari La Pena’s books were two of my new to me favorites of the year.

    • Thank’s for sharing you pick of Best New To Me for 2017.

  29. I liked Haven by Mary Lindsey , Bill Alive’s Empath Detective series, JT Geissinger’s books and Paradise Girl by Featherstone.

    • I’ll have to check out your picks. Thank’s for sharing.

  30. I have not read any of these, but I know I need to read Amanda Carlson!

    • Carlson is a fun author. I always get pulled in until the very end. Action and Adventure.

  31. Rebel of the Sands series

    • Thank’s for sharing one of your Best New To Me of 2017.

  32. Oh great list Angela there are some on my wish list up there too! Happy new Year

    • Well Good Luck in the giveaway. Hope you get something and can take one off your wish list. Thank’s for stopping in.

  33. Mark T. Sullivan

    • Thank’s for sharing!

  34. Some of my new authors are Dawn Sullivan’s RARE and White River Wolves series, Scarlett Dawn’s Origin series, Briana Michaels’s Sins of The Sidhe series, Olivia Arran’s Heartsridge series. All these series are fantastic and are all PNR.

    • You know I love PNR. I’ll have to check them out. Thank’s for sharing some of your New To Me for 2017.

  35. One of the new to me Authors is Mary Alice Monroe and her Beach House series.

    • Thank’s for sharing!