ARC Review: Gone Hunting (Weird Girls #0.3) by Cecy Robson ~ #Excerpt #BookTour

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Gone Hunting Book Cover Gone Hunting
Weird Girls #0.3
Cecy Robson
Urban Fantasy - Adult - Romance - Standalone - Prequel
Cecy Robson, LLC
October 24th 2018


Discover Cecy Robson’s sensational Weird Girls series for the first time—or go back to the beginning ...—

The rest of the werewolf pack might consider Aric Connor to be omniscient and destined to save the world when evil returns to claim it. But for the most part, fifteen-year-old Aric ignores the confirmations of his powers, taking everything in stride until he meets her.

Celia Wird wasn’t supposed to awaken naked in the mountains of Colorado, not when she was just stalking her prey in a filthy alley several states away. She especially wasn’t supposed to meet Aric, the handsome werewolf who comes to her aid.

As a supernatural tasked with protecting the earth, Aric sympathizes with Celia’s dangerous situation. He’s also struck by her beauty and kindness. Yet, as much as Aric welcomes Celia, her arrival isn’t a peaceful one.

Dark forces stir in Celia’s presence, resolute on killing her. Aric and his inner beast are adamant about keeping Celia safe and with them. But there's a time and a place for love, and Aric and Celia might not survive long enough to find it.



I feel in love with the Weird Girls series when it first came out and I await each new installment with anticipation and fandom.

Gone Hunting is a prequel in the Weird Girls series. It’s written so long time fans can enjoy or newcomers to the series who want/like to get things read in order can.

Gone Hunting is an extraordinary emotional magical journey. This novella features Aric, Celia, and the gang of wolves (Koda, Liam, and Gemini) when they are teenagers/young adults. It takes us back to that very first every encounter between; Aric and Celia. Fans might be wonder, I know I was, how this novella will end; especially if you know how Sealed with a Curse starts. All I’ll going to say is the author cleverly got around those events and elements in the first book and tugged at my emotions and heartstrings, again.

I love that we get to see all the early history for this gang. It’s touching, especially getting to meet Aric’s parents. The action is gritty and exciting and the humor had me smiling as usual. The author has left me with a strong desire to go back and reread this series all over.

Gone Hunting was an incredible adventure for this fan and a splendid way to introduce the series to new readers.

Rated: 5 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Cecy Robson, LLC via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

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 I’m known for my speed, but Celia is fast.

She zigzags through the pines, letting the long heavy branches slap against my face. Flashes of black fur appear in my periphery. Gemini is here so is his twin wolf. Koda, arrives too, the fur of his massive red wolf blazing like fire in the sun. Liam isn’t far behind. I sense him, more than I see him.

We break through the clearing, racing at full speed. I catch sight of Celia just as I realize where we are.

The cliff. She’s going off the ledge if she doesn’t stop.

I howl and snap my jaws, warning her. All that does is increase her speed and incite my friends to howl and snarl. The thrill of the hunt and the proximity to what they perceive as prey stimulates their voracious hunger. Their keen sights are set on Celia, but she’s not theirs to have.

She’s mine.

Dirt and debris pepper me as she digs her claws into the ground, trying to stop. She’s going too fast, the weight of her tigress pushing her forward. I leap, changing into my human form and snagging her front paws when she slides rump first down the cliff. I wrench her to me, slipping an arm under her belly and around her head.

I dig in my heels and haul her back. The sensation—the one I felt when I touched her envelops me in all the good ways possible. I start to relax when claws rake across my chest and tear through my skin.

“Ouch, Celia!”

I hook my arm under her and pull her closer. “Don’t fight me,” I snarl. “I’m only trying to help.”

Our closeness amplifies the warmth between us. I try to fight it, but that fight is brief. Like before, the feel of her consumes me.

My body welcomes Celia like an embrace after a long, weary day. It relaxes me in a way, despite how my heartbeat races and her presence further rouses my beast.

I groan, clutching her closer. “It’s okay,” I whisper into her ear. “I won’t hurt you. I swear it.”

I have no business saying what I do. I don’t know her and she just clawed my chest to pieces. My skin burns at the speed in which my wolf’s magic heals me, and as the skin knits closed, an itch develops I can’t quite scratch.

“Werewolves, the ones not from New Jersey protect innocents. That’s you. So, predator or not, I’m obligated as a Leader of my kind to see to your safety.”

My words are merely a trace of sound against her ear. Having her so close makes me feel too peaceful and I think she reacts to me the same way. She falls limp in my arms. Not from exhaustion or injury. No, this is something else.

Her heartbeat matches the speed of mine, pounding against my chest. She whimpers and releases a shudder, not what I expect from a creature who comes close to matching me in strength.

“Shhh,” I murmur. “It’s all right.”

I rise to a standing position, pulling her carefully with me. She’s small for tigress, not fully grown, but long and formidable.


[su_note note_color=”#d8e8f0″ text_color=”#000000″]Cecy Robson is an author of contemporary and new adult romance, young adult adventure, and award-winning urban fantasy. A double-nominated RITA® Finalist, Winner of the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, and published author of more than twenty titles, you can typically find Cecy on her laptop or stumbling blindly in search of caffeine.

Connect with Cecy online:

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I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

14 comments on “ARC Review: Gone Hunting (Weird Girls #0.3) by Cecy Robson ~ #Excerpt #BookTour

  1. Love the review and feature, Angela. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and spotlight Gone Hunting.

    • It was my pleasure. I enjoy visiting the Weird Girls world and can’t wait for more from these wonderful sisters. Thank you for the little insight into them as teenagers. It was delightful to see this aspect.

  2. I was thrilled she did this earlier story and we got to see them as teenagers. So in love with this series.
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Hour of Need by Melinda LeighMy Profile

    • Me too… ^_^

  3. This was my intro to the series which I plan to go forward and read the series. YA is hard for me. First books in a series are sometimes hard. I think I would have liked it better with the connection to the series. I’ll have to go back and read it after I read the series again. Anne – Books of My Heart
    Northwoman recently posted…Archangel’s Prophecy by Nalini SinghMy Profile

    • The series is new adult, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance. It’s very emotional and I suggest you have tissues handy when you read the books. Since I’ve read the installments as they came out I’ve had the back ground and was wondering how she would make this one work… As you can see I loved it and it made me want to do a re-read of the series.

  4. I’m late. I need to post my review of this one!
    Melliane recently posted…The Wrong Game by Kandi SteinerMy Profile

    • ?

  5. Excellent review angela!!! Sounds like a great read!! Shared on all my socials!!??

    • Glad you enjoyed. Thank you for sharing and visiting! ?

  6. Lovely review Angela.

    • Thank you!

  7. Ahh this book looks and sounds really good!!! I sooo wanna read it.

    • I hope you enjoy.