ARC Review: Archangel’s Prophecy (Guild Hunter #11) by Nalini Singh ~ #Excerpt

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Archangel's Prophecy Book Cover Archangel's Prophecy
Guild Hunter #11
Nalini Singh
Paranormal Romance - Urban Fantasy
October 30th 2018


Return to New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh’s darkly passionate Guild Hunter world, where human-turned-angel Elena Deveraux, consort to Archangel Raphael, is thrust center stage into an eons-old prophecy....

Midnight and dawn, Elena’s wings are unique among angelkind…and now they’re failing. The first mortal to be turned into an immortal in angelic memory, she’s regressing. Becoming more and more human. Easier to hurt. Easier to kill.

Elena and Raphael must unearth the reason for the regression before it’s too late and Elena falls out of the sky. Yet even as they fight a furious battle for Elena’s very survival, violent forces are gathering in New York and across the world.

In China, the Archangel Favashi is showing the first signs of madness. In New York, a mysterious sinkhole filled with lava swallows a man whole. In Africa, torrential monsoon rains flood rolling deserts. And in Elena’s mind whispers a haunting voice that isn’t her own.

This time, survival may not be possible…not even for the consort of an archangel.


Note: If you haven’t started the Guild Hunter series yet, then you need to start from the begging. Their is an over all ARC and character development.

Elena has a fight on her hands and it my just end her life….

Now, Elena and Raphael have had their challenges throughout this series, but in this one destiny and prophecy and the Cascade are all agents them. Elena is losing her immortality, but she will not give up without a fight. I cried, I felt, and I hurt for all involved in this installment. This was an emotional and heartbreaking read. The ending will leaving you reeling and shocked.

Besides the Cascade and Elena’s fight with destiny, we have a murder mystery going on and a Consort determined to protect those she loves. We also get little snippets, POV’s, of The Legend. I really enjoyed seeing their perspective; especially at the end, when you know time is moving on, but you can’t figure out how much time and what the outcome will be.

Ms. Singh has delivered another superb installment in the Guild Hunter series. Archangel’s Prophecy is a fight, an FU to prophecy and destiny, and one emotional roller coaster ride. I can’t wait for the next installment; especially after that ending.

Rated: 4.5 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Berkley Publishing Group via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

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[su_note note_color=”#ebd8f0″ text_color=”#000000″]Excerpt from ARCHANGEL’S PROPHECY

By Nalini Singh

Illium turned in a direction that would take them to the Catskills if they kept on going.

Sweeping closer to him, she said, “You just want to fly?”

Hair rippling in the quiet but cutting wind, he twisted down in a complicated fall before flying back up to her side. She laughed at his showing off. That was Illium. An angel of violent power who had a heart that might almost be mortal. And, these days, she could appreciate his tricks again. Not a single angel in the city had been ready to witness his acrobatics in the immediate aftermath of the day he’d crashed out of the sky.

Elena would never forget her screaming fear.

To his credit, Illium had flown with absolute discretion for months, letting the memory dull and fade.

When he returned to her side today, his face was flushed, the gold of his eyes rich. “Sky’s too beautiful to shut ourselves away in a club.”

“Just don’t forget I’m not as fast as you. Also, I’m currently lame.”

Illium lifted one cupped hand close to his shoulder, the other moving back and forth . . . and she realized he was playing a tiny violin in response to her morose tone.

“Crossbow, Bluebell.” Narrowed eyes. “Remember the crossbow.”

He dived, his wicked laughter floating up on the night air. Lips twitching, Elena continued to glide, letting the air currents sweep her along with cold but gentle hands. Illium, meanwhile, flew circles around her—but he never went far, always close enough to halt her descent should she tumble.

She landed a number of times to rest her wings, once in an isolated park whispering and dark. A luminescent insect appeared then disappeared from sight before she could truly see it, an earthbound star. The ghostly owl sitting on a tree branch watched her with eyes even more luminous.

A sigh deep in her mind, an old, old presence restless in Sleep.

The hairs rose on her arms.

Then Illium shot them both up into the sky again, and together, they flew far beyond the diamond-bright skyline of the city and over the sleeping homes of ordinary people who lived in a world of vampires and angels, blood and immortality.

Another rest stop for Elena.

Another throb of pain from the cut on her forearm.

Another watchful owl, this one landing on Illium’s shoulder without his knowledge. Ashwini had told her not to be afraid of the owls, so Elena ignored the goose bumps and said, Hello, with her mind. A good night to fly.

A vein began to throb at her temple.

The answer came a long time later, after they were in the air again, the glow of the sinkhole visible from the distance.

It has been an eon since I flew.

Posted by arrangement with Berkley, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. Copyright © Nalini Singh, 2018.[/su_note]


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I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

16 comments on “ARC Review: Archangel’s Prophecy (Guild Hunter #11) by Nalini Singh ~ #Excerpt

  1. I really enjoy the Legion’s POV too. After the ending I can’t wait until the next book! Wonderful review! 🙂
    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted…Sunday Post #6My Profile

    • The Legion was really great. I liked the POV we got. I would love more and to learn more about them. I know that ending…. OH MY!!! ^_^

  2. I did cry. Elena and Raphael are so beautiful together. I just place my trust in Nalini that all will be made whole in the next book! Thanks!
    Jen recently posted…Review: The Proposal by Jasmine GuilloryMy Profile

    • I wasn’t won over with this couple when I started the series, but the more we got deeper and their relationship them more I started to like them. Elena I always loved as a Guild Hunter & kick-ass women. Raphael not so much, but he has grown, so now that we are 11 books in and have had a few featuring this couple I’m like awed with what they go through and how well they balance each other out. I can’t wait to see where things go especially after this ending. Singh hasn’t disappointed me. I know I’m going to get an adventure and some emotional moments when I pick her up.

  3. I can’t wait to start this on audio. It is my next listen. 🙂
    Melanie Simmons recently posted…Through the Fire Audiobook by Katie Ruggle (REVIEW)My Profile

    • I hope you enjoy!! P.S. have tissues handy. ^_^

  4. If you cried than I know I will be balling. I’m waiting for this to come to me. I have read all in this series and love all of them. Now I’m afraid and excited at the same time. The legend are going to be nice to learn more about as well.

    • I couldn’t read at times; because my eyes ? where leaking… The legend aka Prophecy ? WOW. This one was another wonderful read in the series and it had some major surprises and internal battles and more…. Really good. I hope you enjoy!!

  5. That ending!!! GAH!
    Samantha The Book Disciple recently posted…#SundayPost: Full MoonMy Profile

    • I know… Ahhh ?

  6. Robin is reviewing this tomorrow. I really want to read this series. Good review! Anne – Books of My Heart
    Northwoman recently posted…The Voodoo Killings by Kristi CharishMy Profile

    • It’s a wonderful urban fantasy. I’ve also started to listen to the series. It’s good in audio too.

  7. Great review angela! I’m my tbr gr list!! Shared on all my socials!!??

    • Glad you add to your TBR. Thank’s for visiting.

  8. This was an exciting, yet heartbreaking story. I am dying after that ending. I really dread the struggle that is coming. This was a great read!
    Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict recently posted…Spotlight & Excerpt Tour ~ Shadow and Ice by Gena Showalter @GenaShowalter @InkslingerPRMy Profile

    • I agree on all you wrote. This was exciting and heartbreaking. Oh my the struggle and that ending…. AH!!!