Review: Witch Smitten (Witches of Night Meadow #3) by V. Vaughn

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Witch Smitten Book Cover Witch Smitten
Witches of Night Meadow #3
V. Vaughn
Paranormal Romance
Sugarloaf Press
February 14, 2020


Kay Knight is falling in love with Tucker Eagan all over again. Her childhood crush has returned to Night Meadow Island and is working with the mainland police force, and he’s enlisted Kay to use her magical gifts to help rid the town of some spirits that are creating havoc. When word gets about Kay’s success, Damon Hawke, a famous wizard, is intrigued by more than just her magical abilities. He’s determined to make the beautiful witch his and employs a little magic of his own.


Witch Smitten is book three in the Witches of Night Meadow series by V. Vaughn.

Kay is a fabulous baker. She’s been crushing on Tucker Eagan since her early years. He’s finally come home and Kay believes he’s her forever. Damon is back home and he’s known Kay since childhood. One chastises kiss as teens had him believing she’s his forever. What does destiny have in-store?

We get a little more backstory in this novel which gives use insight into the characters’s. The romance is sweet, tame and we see that trust and loyalty are pivotal in any relationship. Theirs also a little drama when another suitor comes calling for Kay.

Witch Smitten is a sweet romance and a nice read for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Rated: 3 Stars

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I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

6 comments on “Review: Witch Smitten (Witches of Night Meadow #3) by V. Vaughn

  1. Looks like you’re still enjoying the series. Once in a while I want a quick, sweet one to break up heavier, dramatic books.

    • That is what this series was to me. Nice quick easy sweet reads. Thanks for visiting!

  2. I haven’t read this series yet, I’m gonna have to check it out! Thanks for sharing your review, Angel!

    • You’re welcome. Thank you for visiting and happy reading.

  3. Oh, this sounds really good. Can it be read as a standalone? What brought the grade down to a three for you?
    Jen recently posted…Tell Me Something Tuesday: September 20, 2022 – Multi-Tasking Audiobook ListeningMy Profile

    • Yes it can be read as a stand-alone. I think why I rated this a 3 is because its a clean romance and short. Not something I’d read again, but still enjoyable at the time. Thanks for visiting!