Top 10 Books of 2022

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Hosted by Books Of My Heart


Top 10 Books of 2022



I didn’t read a lot of New Releases in 2022; even thou I had a bunch on my TBR.  These are the ones I got too and enjoyed this year.  
(Pictures link to Amazon)


Non 2022 Releases I Enjoyed


Love Felicity Heaton’s, Eternal Mates Series and I’m getting caught up.  Regina Abel, Jasmine Walt, Heather G. Harris, & Zoe Chant I binged their series.  Zoe Chant I also binged/loved her Fire & Rescue Shifters: Wildfire Crew that features the adult kids from her Fire & Rescue series.


I’d love to hear what your picks are!


  • Monday, December 19th – Top 10 Books of 2022
  • Tuesday, December 20th – Top 10 Audiobooks of 2022
  • Wednesday, December 21st  – Top 10 Book Covers of 2022
  • Thursday, December 22nd  – Top 10 Book Characters of 2022
  • Friday, December 23rd – Top 10 Your Choice Category ( Narrators, New to Me, Couples, Series, Books I Meant to Read in 2022, etc) 
  • Saturday, December 24th – Top 10 Books I Want in 2023



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I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

Category: Yearly Top 10 | Tags:

16 comments on “Top 10 Books of 2022

  1. I love Ilona Andrews’ books! I also really enjoy Juliette Cross’s books. I haven’t read the ones on your list yet–but I definitely plan to. I hope you have a great New Year!
    Literary Feline recently posted…Can’t Wait to Read Wednesday: The Game is a Footnote / Independence / Dreyer’s EnglishMy Profile

    • Both Andrews and Cross are favorites to read. Glad you enjoy both. Thanks for visiting. Have a wonderful New Year!

  2. Yes, I love Ilona Andrews and Nalini Singh and I loved that Zoe Chant series.
    Rolé @ Hooked By That Book recently posted…Monday Musings – December 19, 2022My Profile

    • Those are some good authors to read. Glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Great top ten list! I have that Ilona Andrews series where Sweep of the Heart is part of on my to-read list, even bought the first box set and all, just have to get around to reading it. I heard so many great things about it. That Juliette Cross series sounds good too.

    • I hope you enjoy Andrews. Her Innkeeper Chronicles is wonderful. I love re-visiting it. ^_^ Cross is also great. I love her witchy series. Thanks for visiting!

  4. I love the way you sorted into when they were released! That’s smart! I just bought the first one in that Juliette Cross series after meeting her at Book Bonanza last summer and can’t wait till I can read it! Great list!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Top 10 of 2022 – Best of the Best (Favorite Books)My Profile

    • I hope you enjoy the Stay a Spell series. I’ve had fun reading and listening to it. I’ve been reading more backlist titles, so I didn’t get to a lot 2022 releases. It’s always nice to see what older titles people enjoyed in the year. Thanks for visiting!

  5. Ruby Fever is up there for me, too. I haven’t finished Sweep of the Heart yet, but I’m sure it will be up there!
    Jen recently posted…#TBRChallenge Review: Christmas Joy by Nancy NaigleMy Profile

    • Seep of the Heart is good. I can’t wait for the audio and Graphic Audio. Thanks for visiting!

  6. I need to read the Honey Phillips series you picked and oh yeah, love both those Andrews and Storm Echo. Love seeing your list, Angela!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Top 10 Books I’ve Read in 2022My Profile

    • I look forward to new releases in Honey Phillips Sci-Fi Romance series. Andrews, Briggs, and Singh are must each year to read and buy. ^_^ I would have had the new Mercy book on here, but I didn’t get to it. That’s for January 2023. Need to be ready for the new release next year. LOL Thanks for visiting!

  7. Oh some nice ones there and some I need to try!
    Melliane recently posted…Diablo Mesa by Preston & ChildMy Profile

    • Thanks Melliane for visiting. Happy Reading!

  8. Those are some awesome choices Angela! Thanks for sharing. I am always a big fan of Ilona Andrews and Nalini Singh.
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Top 10 Books I’ve Read in 2022My Profile

    • Me too. ^_^ Thanks for visiting!