Re-Post Review: Nightwing Series (Books 1 – 3) by Juliette Cross

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Author Juliette Cross got the rights back to her books when the publishing company closed it’s doors. She self-published her Nightwing titles, freshened up the books with new covers, and added little bits of additions to the stories. 

Notes from Angel’s Guilty Pleasures:

I re-bought the series to re-read the new additions. This is one of my favorite series. Below I will feature my previous published reviews and my additional 2018 thoughts on the re-released titles. 

[su_box title=”Soulfire” style=”soft” box_color=”#e2dbe8″ title_color=”#000000″ radius=”4″]

Nightwing #1

Tensions are rising in the Gladium Province. The boundary between humans and Morgons has begun to blur. While the human aristocracy strives to maintain distance between their daughters and the dragon-hybrid race, fate has other plans.

As the daughter of the corporate king, Jessen Cade is duty-bound to honor her arranged marriage to a man she detests. Feeling trapped by family duty and a loveless future, she longs for more, straying to the Morgon side of the city.

Lucius Nightwing is the eldest son of the powerful Morgon clan, and the greatest enemy of Jessen’s father. When a bar-room brawl thrusts Jessen into his arms, his dragon roars to the surface, craving to sate his carnal hunger in the brown-eyed beauty. The beast in Lucius recognizes her as his own, even if the man refuses to admit the truth. 

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Oct. 2018: Soulfire has been re-released. I love the new cover. I also love the addition the author adds on when Lucius tells Jessen about the human princess and the Dragon King. The addition and when it was told where great. I had a fabulous time re-reading and enjoyed the story all over again. No changes to my thoughts on the first time reading, just have to say the small addition was nice and added to the story.

Old Review 2014:

~ 4 Soulfire Stars ~

Soulfire is book one in the Nightwing series by Juliette Cross. This is my first read by author Juliette Cross. The sotryline and premise are good. The characters are defined and the world description is vivid and detailed. 

I love dragon’s and when this one popped up to read, I had to give it a try. Lucius Nightwing is protective of a human, he feels the pull towards her and once his species finds their mate they have no control of it, but the racism is at an all time hi in this world. Morgan and humans do not mix, this brings out problems for this couple. It was interesting to learn about both sides of the story told to children in this world about the King of Dragons and a Princess. The humans have one tail and the dragons have a another. I also enjoyed watching Lucius and Jessen fall for each other. The banter between Jessen and Lucius was fun. 

Soulfire is off to a great start and I look forward to reading more in the Nightwing series. 

Disclaimer: Copy provided by Kensington Books via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.


[su_box title=”Windburn” style=”soft” box_color=”#dd202a” title_color=”#000000″ radius=”4″]

Nightwing #2

No man can win her heart—until now…

In the Gladium Province, the boundaries between humans and Morgons, the dragon-hybrid race, continue to blur as a new generation surrenders to long-forbidden temptation…

Sorcha Linden does whatever she wants whenever she wants, and no one can stop her. Least of all a man. After all, they’re good for only one thing—warming her bed. But then she meets Lorian Nightwing, brother of Lucius. Seductive and iron-willed, he is determined to melt her emotional defenses—and warm her rebellious heart.

The beast within Lorian longs to cage Sorcha and mark her as his own. Forever. Yet the man within also longs to protect her. When a stalker starts leaving Sorcha suggestive gifts with cryptic messages bearing an ancient blood cult symbol, Lorian’s dragon side takes over. With her life at stake, Sorcha can no longer deny the love they share. But when evil tracks her into the night, will she be too late to claim it?

AMAZON [/su_box]

Oct. 2018: Re-read the re-release. Loved it as much as the first time. I didn’t remember who was the stalker until the reveal. Also, I didn’t remember the almost rape scene. That was hard to read, but well done. My original review reflex how much I still love this book and world.

Old Review 2014:

~ 4.5 Windburn Stars ~

Windburn is book two in the Nightwing series by Juliette Cross. When I read the first book, Soulfire, I instantly feel in love with this world and the Morgon/dragon race. Windburn recaps the world & races, so this can be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend pick up book one too.

I could not put this one down. I loved the characters. Lorian is the embodiment of a sexy hot dominant alpha male. Can we say sexy as hell! Sorcha embodies a women who can stand tall, hold her head up high, and embraces a challenge. I was not sure how this relationship would work with both of them being so strong willed and sure of themselves, but I need not have worried for they where the perfect match. These two play a dominance game that draws out the sexual tension. You feel it all coming to a head and when it does it will implode, but in a very hot and steamy way. I really loved that Lorian new Sorcha so well that he was willing to wait until she gave him her heart. I also was surprised to find out who the bad guy was in this plot. Did not see it coming. Totally unexpected. I love when an author can hide this from me.

If you love reading about dragons, then this book is right up your alley. Windburn is a fantastic read in the Nightwing series. I am a fan and look forward to more Morgon action-packed adventure. 

Disclaimer: ARC provided by Kensington Books via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.


[su_box title=”Nightbloom” style=”soft” box_color=”#c6f4ac” title_color=”#000000″ radius=”4″]

Nightwing #3

The love between a human and a Morgon, the dragon-hybrid race, tempts fate once more…

All her life, Ella Barrow has allowed others to make her decisions. Forced to stifle her artistic talents and stay in a loveless relationship with Clayton Kerrington, the man her mother believes to be her perfect match, Ella’s life may be safe—but it’s not her own. Paxon Nightwing, on the other hand, is anything but the safe choice.

A charming and alluring Morgon, Paxon sees Ella for the woman she truly is. His bold confidence and protective nature ignites a passion she’s never felt before. But a dark family tragedy forces their secrecy—until Clayton makes it impossible to hide their clandestine affair. Will Ella be strong enough to fight for herself at last? Or will she succumb once more and risk losing the only man she’s ever loved?

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Oct. 2018: Re-read the re-release of Nightbloom and loved it!! I felt we got a better understand of Paxon in this re-release. I don’t remember visiting his home, but I loved it. Ella is the good girl and she still was, but I felt this time around she was a little to good, if that can be a thing. Really nothing new. I adored Nightwing and my views and rating haven’t changed. A fabulous series to read; especially if you are a dragon fan.

Old Review 2015:

~ 4.5 Nightbloom Stars ~

Nightbloom is book three in the Nightwing series by Juliette Cross.

There is just some enchanting about these Morgon men. I am in love and have been addicted since reading book one, Soulfire. The Morgon men have this raw sexual nature that gets your blood boiling and they also protect their mate with such fierceness. I was pulled into Nightbloom from begging to end and could not put it down.

Paxon Nightwing knows that Ella is the one and he sees Ella for who she is and can be. He is confident and sure of himself, but not in an arrogant way, oh no, in a very sexy Morgon/dragon way. I loved him.

Ella is the good girl. She does what is expected of her and she still lives at home enjoying the close relationship she shares with her parents. She is shy and keeps her talent hidden never showing her art to anyone. I enjoyed her transformation from shy to sure of herself.

At the begging is she dating Clayton. Why? Well it makes her parents happy and to say the least they look good together in their social structure. All I can say is Clayton is a dick. He puts on an act in front of her parents, but you can tell he really does not care for Ella. I wanted to smack Ella and say, hey you need to kick this guy to the curb and stand up for yourself. I loved watching Ella come out of her shell, learn that it does not matter what everyone thinks or feels; because she is an amazing women, with an outstanding talent and that their is a man who sees her and will stand buy her always.

The plot is straight forward, with some secrets and blackmail coming to light. The romance was sweet and sexy. The story gives us another tempting look into the world of Morgons’ and it’s city of Gladium, where humans and Morgon’s are slowly bringing their lives together.

Nightbloom is sweet, sexy, and satisfying. The author has done it again. I highly recommend picking up this series. I can’t wait for more.

*Disclaimer: ARC provided by Kensington Books/Lyrical Press via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.


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I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

4 comments on “Re-Post Review: Nightwing Series (Books 1 – 3) by Juliette Cross

  1. Fabulous reviews angela!!! Love this series!!! Shared on my socials!??

    • Glad you enjoy the series and my reviews. Thank’s for sharing! ^_^

  2. Oh nice covers for these!

    • I agree. Thank’s for visiting!