Demon Bound by Chris Cannon ~ #BookTour #Excerpt #YoungAdult

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by Chris Cannon
Publication Date: January 6, 2020
Genres: Adult, Entangled: Teen, YA, Paranormal, Romance

When a summoning goes awry, suddenly booknerd Meena’s summer job becomes something drastically different. Instead of cleaning eccentric Carol’s house, she’s bound to a demon as his soul-collector. Soon Meena discovers that the boring, pageant-obsessed, bonfire-loving town that she’s never fit in to is a hotbed for soul-sucking demons, demon-hunting witches, and vampires who just wanna have fun… And then she comes into her own powers.

Could things get any stranger? Good thing she meets new guy Jake—who gets her and still hangs around.

When Jake’s mom sends him off to his Aunt Zelda’s for the summer, he thought he’d be bored. But nothing is what it seems in this town. His aunt isn’t just odd, she’s a witch who fights demons and tries to maintain the magical balance of the town. Jake should get the hell out of there and, he would leave, except for bad-ass newbie witch Meena, who looks at him like he matters.

He never counted on sticking around, but Meena’s bound to a demon who wants to destroy her soul—and Jake’s finally found someone worth fighting for.

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[su_note note_color=”#e7acfe” radius=”4″]The demon turned slowly, just a fraction of an inch, but now all of his attention was laser focused on me. And that was not a good thing. I dug my fingernails into my palms and fought the urge to back up a step.

“Do you know who I am?” he asked, moving so he was standing toe to toe with me. Cold radiated off his body.

“I know what you are.” 

“And what is that?”

“You’re a demon,” I said. 

“No.” He leaned down and whispered in my ear. “I’m the demon.”

His frigid breath feathered across my skin. Terror and a strange thrill of excitement shot through my veins. Being this close to such a vast amount of power was doing strange things to my nerve endings. I caved and backed up a step. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Bane.” He smiled a friendly smile, which was almost more disturbing. He exuded some type of demonic charm. “Anything else you’d like to ask me?”

Maybe if I kept him talking we could come to some sort of agreement. “Why are you cold? I thought demons were all about hellfire and glowing red eyes.”

“Those stories are about distant relations,” he said. “Lesser beings who don’t know how to keep their existence a secret.”

My body relaxed. This guy wasn’t so bad. 

“Meena,” Jake yelled. 

I snapped out of whatever spell I’d been under and shook my head. “Where’s Carol?”

“She and those like her have been a thorn in my side for ages.” He frowned. “Convincing people they shouldn’t make deals. Finding loopholes for souls who clearly belong to me. Not to mention”—he pointed at the jars full of swirling liquid—“what she’s done to my brethren.”

“Those are demon souls?” I asked. “Seriously?”

He nodded and reached out to touch the messy bun on top of my head. “This amuses me.” 

And a demon was touching me. A shiver ran down my spine. I had to steel myself to keep my voice from shaking. I cleared my throat. “Can we focus on Carol?”

“No. Not unless you want to trade your soul for hers.” He plucked the bobby pins from my hair before I even saw his hands move. My hair fell down around my face. 

“Hey.” I backed up a step and smacked his hand away. “No touching.”

His eyes narrowed and I thought, this is how I’m going to die. And then he laughed. “You’re not afraid of me.”

Is he kidding? I’m terrified but he doesn’t need to know that. “This has been interesting, but it’s time for us to go. We aren’t playing your game. You have no right to hold us.”

“I do what I want,” he said. “I prey on the weak and collect souls.” He invaded my personal space, pressing his nose to my temple, inhaling loudly and then exhaling like he was sighing in satisfaction. “I bet you taste like cotton candy.”

There were so many things wrong with that statement. I tried to talk but nothing came out. I cleared my throat and tried again. “That is the creepiest thing anyone has ever said to me.”[/su_note]


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Chris Cannon is the award-winning author of the Going Down In Flames series, the Boyfriend Chronicles, and the Dating Dilemma series. She lives in Southern Illinois with her husband and several furry beasts.
She believes coffee is the Elixir of Life. Most evenings after work, you can find her sucking down caffeine and writing fire-breathing paranormal adventures or romantic comedies. You can find her online at

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I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

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