The Christmas Party by Mikayla Davids ~ #BookTour #Excerpt

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This is my post during the blog tour for The Christmas Party by Mikayla Davids. The Christmas Party is an addictive psychological thriller with a jaw dropping twist.


This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours and the tour runs from 19th till 31st of December. You can see the tour schedule here.


The Christmas Party

By Mikayla Davids
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 12 November 2022

A family reunion. A shocking secret. A night to die for…

On a snowy December night, the Bailey family are gathered at an isolated hotel in the English countryside. They’re reuniting for the first time since the accident that shattered their lives ten years ago.

It’s a time for love and forgiveness. But more than one guest has an ulterior motive:

The perfect daughter
The alcoholic

The single mother
The liar

The handsome husband
The adulterer

The beautiful sister
The jealous sibling

The murderer…

As the clock strikes midnight, one member of the party is found dead at the foot of the grand marble staircase.

Everyone is a suspect. But which one of them is a killer?

This completely addictive psychological thriller is packed with chilling twists that will keep you up all night. Perfect for fans of The Hunting Party and The Chalet.




I spin with my sister in the middle of the dance floor, our hands clasped tight, whirling round to the music just as we did when we were children. The DJ is playing yet another classic Christmas tune and we both shout along at the tops of our voices, smiles wide, eyes bright, mirroring each other. Rainbow-coloured disco lights shine across the vast room and the crowd around us shimmers and sparkles.

The moment I’ve been hoping for is finally here. After ten long years, my family are together under the same roof again. My two sisters, my mother, our children and our husbands. We’re reunited after a decade of not speaking. But I don’t want to think about the terrible night that shattered our family because I’ve waited for this day for a long time.

As the song ends, I stagger, wobbling on my high heels and putting a hand to my throbbing head. I feel a steadying arm loop through mine and I’m guided along the edges of the friends and family gathered here to celebrate in this exquisite hotel. The hotel that my wealthy husband and I own. We’ve spent the last five years remodelling the place and I’ve poured everything into making this building a beautiful home as well as a successful business. I’ve worked hard to be where I am today. I may have had a little help with my husband’s money and contacts but I came from nothing. So tonight I’m proud to show off amongst my nearest and dearest. And I’ve earned every single one of the admiring looks that have come my way this evening.

Everyone else seems to be in the moment, lapping up the festive atmosphere, but I’m on edge and I can’t seem to let my hair down, despite the champagne that’s flowing. A huge Christmas tree dominates one corner of the room, while the warm gold and red colour scheme spills out across the rest of the space and throughout the multitude of plush rooms beyond. Everything looks perfect on the surface. But, right now, I need to get away from the party.

When I exit through the double doors, the noise instantly dims and I feel like I can breathe properly again. I make my way along a winding corridor, my sister’s hand in mine, and then we swing open another set of double doors into the grand foyer. This is the dazzling focal point of the building, with its curved marble staircase and sweeping gallery complete with a glittering crystal chandelier.

The first thing I notice is the strange silence. The sounds of the party in the background shut out by the soundproofing.

The second thing I notice is the dead body. Lying spread-eagled on the white marble floor, a pool of dark red blood surrounding the head like a halo.

I’m stunned, surely this can’t be happening? But my sister inhales sharply next to me so I know I’m not imagining this. This is not a horrible dream. It’s real.

My heart is hammering in my chest and my mouth feels dry. I lift my chin and make myself look once more at the person lying on the floor. I immediately recognise the broken figure at the foot of the steep marble staircase.

And I scream…


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I’ll let you into a little secret… Mikayla Davids isn’t my real name, it’s just the pen name I write under. I could be the person sitting opposite you on the train, furiously tapping away at a laptop, or the woman scribbling in a notebook on the table beside you in Starbucks. Everyone has their secrets. And this is mine.

But I will tell you I’ve lived and breathed fictional worlds all my life. I’ve been the child who spent hours in the library, the teenager who stayed up turning pages way into the night, the publishing editor who poured every working hour into helping authors achieve their dreams of being published. Now I’m the secret writer who’s finally ready to share my own stories.

I write about family dramas, complicated relationships and everyday moments that can suddenly turn into nightmares.

I hope you’ve been gripped and entertained by my novels. I’d love to hear from you if so, you can contact me across any of my social media pages or sign up to my newsletter.

Author links:
WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramAmazon – GoodreadsNewsletter [/su_note]


There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of The Christmas Party. Two winner both win an ecopy of The Christmas Party by Mikayla Davids and get to name a character in the sequel to The Christmas Party (US Only).

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway




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I'm an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, animal & book lover. I'm the owner, reviewer & mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy & my favorite shifters are dragons.

2 comments on “The Christmas Party by Mikayla Davids ~ #BookTour #Excerpt

  1. This one caught my eye the week before Christmas and I loved that it was on sale when it did. 🙂

    • Very nice. Hope you enjoy. Happy Reading!